The number of real estate agents using call capture systems continues to grow. Agents are seeing the benefits of its power to generate leads, track their advertising, and increase their efficiency. Just like any technology, the ability to get it to work for you lies largely in your application and use of it. Take two agents side by side, both using call capture, and you may very likely see two very different results. One may be reaping its benefits hand over fist while the other may not even be recouping their costs for their system. There may be little difference in the way they are using their system, but in marketing the little things can mean so much. Here are just 3 little tips to help you get the most from your call capture system.
The recordings on your call capture system are going to be a very important aspect of converting your prospects to clients. Make the recordings in your system yourself. Research shows that if the voice that the caller hears on the recordings, whether it is your main greeting or a property listing, is the same voice that answers the phone, you will dramatically increase your conversion rate. By making the recordings yourself you are letting your callers know that you personally are going to be the one taking care of business. It is a personal touch and such a little thing that will make a big difference in the successful use of your call capture system.
Next, take advantage of the call forwarding feature that should be included with your system. I have heard of some agents letting people go to voicemail so they can call them back or including their cell phone number in their recording and asking the person to call them there. Remember, 74% of people are going to do business with the first agent they talk to. Don't you want to make it as easy as possible for them to talk to you? People are put off by having to leave a message and then wait for that return call or worse have to copy down another number, hang up, and dial again. Spend a little extra money on the forwarded call and you will make it up on the increased number of clients.
Most call capture systems include a way to track your advertising by using different extensions. Use them! There is no better way to maximize the return on your advertising investments than finding out what works and sticking to it. If you don't have a way of tracking where your most qualified leads are coming from, you are surely wasting a lot of time and money. Your call capture system has a built in, easy to use, sure fire way of telling you what is working and what is not. It will only take a little extra effort on your part to incorporate your toll free number into all the advertising you do so that you can track your responses.
The call capture systems available to real estate agents today have all the features needed to generate leads, track advertising, help the agent work more efficiently, and ultimately be more successful. However, the technology on its own is nothing until we apply it and use it to its fullest extent. In marketing and business it is many times the little things that can mean the most. So make sure that you pay attention to those little things to get the most from your call capture system.