Easy to Learn Feng Shui Course

By: jeffd

This is a new Feng Shui E-Course, and thank God, this one is actually understandable. I am a Chinese American, and I do believe such thing as the Ying and the Yang, and energy flow, etc... I had wanted to learn the art of Feng Shui for ages!!! But most books out there are redundant and complete miss the point, HOW TO APPLY FENG SHUI TO OUR EVERYDAY LIFE!!! Most books focus on the theory of Feng Shui, instead the practical part of it. Anyway, I got this e-course, and it was better than most books I read, and courses I took. Its simple and practical. The course actually shows many small maneuvers to change ones life. Well I wont say too much about the product, if anyone is interested, just go to the e-course and have a closer look.
Here are the pros and cons (I enjoy trashing, or promoting products...).

Pros: Practical, not time consuming, become the most popular family member (just like me), and most important of all, understandable.

Cons: Meaning of some Chinese words are hard to grasp, perhaps a Feng Shui dictionary would be nice to include.

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