Online Security and Email Scams


It does not matter whether you are a buyer or seller on the Internet. This article will be extremely useful to you. Even the casual web surfer would do good to be aware of the dangers of being online.

There are a few very rampant frauds being perpetuated on the Internet right now. Avoid being duped and ensure that you stay updated on the latest dangers on the net. Here is a list of the most popular frauds at this time:

(1) Your paypal or bank account needs to be updated fraud. You get an email saying that your paypal or bank account or credit card account needs to be updated online. A link on the email needs to be clicked or else your account will be suspended and cause you immense hardships. DO NOT do anything of the sort, the link in the email sends you to the webpage that the writer of the email wants you to go to. This page is a fake, though it appears like the genuine web page that you are used to seeing. Your username, password and other details are collected and misused by the writer of the email.

(2) The Nigerian million dollar fraud. In this email a person claims to be a Nigerian with super political connections or a person having access to millions of dollars left over and forgotten by a foreigner in Nigeria. He needs another foreigner to take this money out of Nigeria. All he needs is your bank account and other confidential details and he will pour 30% of the booty into your account. All you end up doing is paying a few thousand dollars for various 'legal formalities' to be gone through. Once he receives your money he promptly disappears and goes back to writing emails to more people like you. You will never see those million dollars as we has never seen them too.

(3) The big order to be shipped to Nigeria or Indonesia. The writer is in a big hurry to buy a lot of merchandise from your website. He may be in Nigeria or Indonesia or any other part of the globe, but the shipment is needed to Nigeria or Indonesia. He rarely orders less than a few thousand dollars. He wonders whether you accept credit cards or, would like you to ship and provide him the FEDEX tracking number before he makes payment. He either never pays or uses a fake or stolen credit card. You will get a charge back from a bank a few months down the line.

These are a few of the dangers online. It would be an over exaggeration to say that we need to stop transacting or browsing the net. A few precautions would make your ventures on the Internet more safe. You can read the complete report on this topic at:

The more aware we are of the dangers, the less likely we are to fall prey to them. Your friends and aquantainces would be grateful if you forwarded this link to them.

Rarely do online sellers reveal these dangers, as they fear that it would dampen online buyer morale and reduce sales.

Thanks and God Bless.


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