At the heart of every car engine sits the heater core. This heater core is similar to a radiator, which is used in heating the cabin of a vehicle. Hot coolant from the car's engine is passed through a winding tube of the core, which is used as a heat exchanger between coolant and cabin air. Fins are attached to the core tubes to increase surface for heat transfer. Air will be forced past them, through a fan, thus heating the passenger compartment.
Volvo, the Swedish genius that had served as a pillar in the automotive industry is continuously recreating its products to better serve the people. With 80 years of service under its sleeve, Volvo has undoubtedly supplied cars with quality car parts. And among them, is the Volvo Heater Core.
After learning the importance and function of a heater core, it must be a known fact that one should only trust the name of Volvo for this matter. Thus, the Volvo Heater Core is guaranteed to provide the efficiency that the car engine needs. The Volvo Heater Core cools the heated coolant from the engine, making it act as a radiator of the engine. The Volvo Heater Core is made up of small piping that has numerous bends. Clogging of the piping may occur if the coolant system is not flushed. Or sometimes, if the coolant is not changed regularly. If clogging occurs, the Volvo Heater Core will not function properly.
Meanwhile, if a coolant flow is restricted, heating capacity will be reduced or even lost altogether if the heater core becomes blocked. Another problem that one may encounter with the Volvo Heater Core is if one of the connections to the heater core begins to leak. At first, a noticeable "smell" may be observed, but when it gets worse, it fogs the windshield.
The is located under the dashboard inside the vehicle. It is enclosed in the ventilation system's ducting, so servicing it often requires a professional to carry out the job. So one must always take care of his car's heater core. But if replacement is deemed necessary, get only the Volvo Heater Core. Because Volvo knows the car too well to fail.