List of Expensive Cars Begins With Bugatti Veyron

By: Muna wa Wanjiru

There are expensive cars and there are expensive cars. It all depends on your definition of expensive. For a billionaire, the word expensive might not even exist in their vocabulary. For a teenager only just learning to drive and who isn't dirt rich, expensive can encompass just about every luxury that the world is used to.

So to define expensive cars one would first have to get a proper definition of expensive. For the purposes of this case, the definition of expensive as it pertains to the world of cars is set at cars going for over $100,000. And for those of you who might believe that to be a typo, the amount of our definition in words: One Hundred Thousand US Dollars.

Where to start though? With the most expensive car, the most sought after and luxurious car, or the car which looks like it jumped right of every man's dreams? It's a difficult proposition so we decided to go through the most expensive cars in random order.

Our list of expensive cars begins with none other than the Mercedes McLaren SLR, because really this is a car to drool over. There are just no words to describe what people feel for this car, but in many cases disappointment comes in a close second to unspeakable awe. The disappointment of course is for the beyond-normal-means price tag with it coming in just under half a million dollars.

The next car on the list is the Saleen S7 twin Turbo. This little beauty can look a trifle cartoonish to some people, but most people see beyond this to the real deal. The Saleen S7 comes in at just over half a million dollars.

The Koenigsegg CCX is one of the best looking sports super cars to be found on the market and is very road worthy six hundred thousand dollars worth of drooling effort. The Ferrari Enzo however beats the price tag of the Koenigsegg CCX by coming at a cool one million dollars even. The stylish design and the Ferrari name all went into making it one of the most expensive cars on the planet.

The Pagani Zonda C12 F at just over a seven hundred thousand and the Porsche Carrera GT at under half a million both make the shortlist for the most expensive cars, as does the Lamborghini Murcielago which comes with a price tag of two hundred and eighty thousand dollars.

By far the one of the most expensive cars on the market today though, would be the Bugatti Veyron. This little dream car is touted as being the "most expensive, the most powerful and the fastest street-legal production car in the world". And - wait for it - it comes in at a whopping $1.7 million. Yes, that's right, One million seven hundred thousand dollars. And it has a top speed of over 253mph.

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