E85 is Here! Live Green, Go Yellow

By: City Chevrolet

Dwindling oil reserves; volatility of world oil prices coupled with problems of supply and dependence; and the urgent need for alternative, renewable, and eco-friendly fuels. These are strong concerns for practically every country in the world, for reasons of self-sufficiency, and of ecological safety and sustainability. And everyone is concerned about motor fuels. Thanks to GM's pioneering efforts, the E85 ethanol has become a viable alternative to gasoline.

E85 ethanol, a blend of 85% ethanol and 15% gasoline, is a mostly renewable fuel that can be made from biodegradable wastes and several plants, such as switchgrass, willow, and corn. E85 is domestically produced and promotes energy independence. There are over 2.5 million GM FlexFuel vehicles on the road that are capable of running on E85 ethanol.

E85 ethanol-capable vehicles
GM is a leader in producing E85 ethanol flexible vehicles with 12 different models available this year. This is a large step toward our goal, with GM, to have half of annual vehicle production be E85 flexible or bio-diesel capable by 2012.
GM offers more choices in Flex Fuel vehicles than any other manufacturer: 2008 Chevy Suburban, 2008 Chevy Tahoe, 2008 Chevy Avalanche, 2008 Chevy Impala, 2008 Chevy Silverado, 2008 Chevy Uplander, 2008 Chevy Express.

In the U.S., there are already over 7 million E85 ethanol-capable vehicles on the road. GM is the leader in E85 FlexFuel vehicles, with over 3 million FlexFuel vehicles on the road in the U.S.

Benefits of using E85
There are several important benefits to using E85 ethanol, including:
* Ethanol, the major component of E85 ethanol, is a renewable fuel
* Using E85 ethanol helps reduce dependence on petroleum
* Using E85 ethanol helps reduce greenhouse gas emissions
* Using E85 ethanol can help improve your vehicle's performance. How? E85 ethanol has a higher octane rating than gasoline, which allows for more horsepower and torque
* Using E85 ethanol can help reduce smog-forming emissions
* Using E85 ethanol can help support the domestic agriculture industry in the U.S.

The price of E85 ethanol varies by market, and can go up and down in price just like any other fuel. The larger the network of E85 fueling outlets and the greater the use of the E85, the more competitively priced that fuel should be.

City Chevrolet is a leading dealership for new, pre-owned Chevrolet vehicles, parts and service in Charlotte, North Carolina.

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