Feel like Your Paying Too Much for Auto Insurance?

By: Laura Buckley

For those of us who drive, you know that auto insurance is a necessary requirement enforced by law in every state.

Here are some tips to help you save money and possibly cut some corners while still getting the liability protection you need from your auto insurance carrier.

Basically if you are a safe and careful driver then your premiums should be lower than someone who is not. Though we hate paying for all that Insurance you know that it is only for your protection and for the protection of those who drive around us.

By scaling back on your deductible premium which is the amount you pay out-of-pocket, in case of a claim and this is what you pay first before your insurance company starts paying its share. The higher you're deductible, the lower your premium, it's as simple as that.

If you think you can afford to you might want to consider eliminating the comprehensive and/or collision coverage if you drive an older car. Physical damage coverage's like these reimburse you for damages to your own car. All this depends on the state in which you live in.

Just be sure you're able to absorb a larger portion of your loss in case of an accident because you are almost instantly in the jam to produce cash to cover the expense of having your car fixed. Basically you're now taking on more financial liability.

This can work in your favor because if you are a safe driver then your liability will be minimal as well. Obviously rates are different if you live and drive in NYC compared to Philadelphia. Your best bet like always is to shop around and compare rates and services from many carriers.

My best tip for you is to start comparison Shopping. If you have a good driving record and/or buy a safer car, your premium should go down. It may not be drastically but it should decrease.

Also, find out what your insurance will cost before you buy that new car. You need to always shop around and compare rates and services. Don't assume that they are all the same because their not.

Auto insurance companies typically charge more for cars that are expensive to repair or don't recover well in accidents. Certain cars are considered a high theft risk so make sure you take that into consideration before you go out and purchase that expensive sports car.

If you want cheap car insurance no matter what state you live in you can get it. It depends on what you're willing to sacrifice in the interim.

Obviously what we feel are high and ridiculous premiums, the financial protection we gain from those policies is a trade-off we just can't afford to live without in the event of an accident.

Auto Insurance

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