High Gas Prices - Ways To Try And Get Cheaper Gas

By: Allen Reed

If you live any where in the world right now, the price of oilhas risen dramatically over the last few months, which in turnhas created a massive spike in the price of gas prices.Everywhere you turn, people are talking about how the price ofgas is affecting lives and they want cheap gas or at leastcheaper gas.

For a person who was just making it by financially just monthsago, the price increase in gas may impact their ability just tomeet their basic needs, possibly even the needs of theirfamilies. It costs more to commute to work, take kids topractices, even going away on a weekend trip is now somethingone has to carefully justify.

There are few things that one can do to control the price ofgas. One of the important ways we as consumers can ensure all isbeing done to keep gas prices in check, is to contact ourgovernment officials. If the people of a nation, state orprovince, contact their government officials and make gettingcheaper gas a political issue, a few things may happen.

One thing that government can look at is possibly reducing thetax on gas, thereby making it more affordable. For the averageperson even having gas that is cheaper by two percent, can be abig savings in a year, depending on the amount of driving.

As well, it is important that our government ensure that oil andgas companies are being held accountable for the price increaseswe are seeing on the market. Our government has a responsibilityto ensure that their people are not being taken advantage of,and that the spike in gas prices is justified.

Many would argue that driving ones vehicle is not a basic need,and therefore the government cannot obtain getting cheaper gasprices for consumers. I would agree that it would be difficultto say that getting cheap gas is a basic need, but the impact ofhigh gas prices could be astronomical. If prices soar to a pointthat the average person cannot afford, think about how thismight affect the average person. Some may need to turn to publictransportation, which means that public systems could beburdened to a point of not being able to meet the demand, thusneeding to spend many more dollars on increasing the capacity.Many people may quit jobs because the commuting costs are tohigh, meaning that unemployment rates could increase, increasingthe demand for social welfare programs. The impact of thesesimple changes would have large effects on economies of allscales (locally, nationally).

It's important that we as consumers make an effort to contactthose sitting in government offices, they represent us. We needour government officials to take a close look at trying to getconsumers a cheaper price on gas. There is little we can doindividually to get cheap gas, but together when may individualscontact our officials, we can ensure that our governments makegasoline prices a high priority

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