Auto Accidents

By: Tyler Goldstein

Did you know that every 10 seconds, an Auto Accident takes place on the roads of the United States! Shocking isn't it? Looking at these statistics, it is no wonder then that the highest number of personal injury lawsuits in the courts of America involve auto accidents.

About Auto Accident Claims

The first and perhaps most important element of an auto accident lawsuit is that of negligence. In order to receive any kind of compensation from your auto accident claim, it is vital that you can prove the negligence of another person, company, or entity. In addition to proving negligence, here are some of the other factors that should be present to uphold your claim:

The negligence should have directly been the cause of the auto accident. You, or some property of yours, should have been injured or damaged due to the auto accident.

The negligent party should have sufficient auto insurance. If you can prove all these conditions to be true, you can have a legal personal injury claim. The best person to gauge whether or not you do have a valid claim is a personal injury attorney.

Proving Negligence In Auto Accidents

In most auto accidents, it may not be easy to determine who was at fault for the crash. If you are involved in the auto accident, you are likely to be in shock and may miss out vital signs. Thus, eyewitness accounts, accident reports, and traffic rules can help you to figure out where to lay blame for the auto accident. Here are some things that you should look out for:

- Was the driver of the other vehicle drunk?

- Were they speeding or driving recklessly?

- Did the other driver disobey traffic signals?

- Was any pedestrian at fault?

In addition to the other driver being responsible for the auto accident, a number of people could also be help liable for it, such as:

Maker of the vehicles involved, especially if the vehicle turns out to have a defect in it. Government entities that are responsible for maintaining the roads, ensuring that traffic signals are functioning properly, and ensuring adequate lighting on the roads. All this seems quite complicated, doesn't it? Thus, to help you with your auto accident claim, you should enlist the services of a personal injury attorney immediately.

Car Accidents

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