Vehicles Wiper Blades Help Avoid Accidents

By: Jason Moore

"Twenty per cent of all vehicle accidents result from impaired vision caused by a dirty or damp windshield."

These are the words uttered by Bryan Gregory. You see, Gregory does have the right to say such things, after all, he is the current director for Advance Auto Parts' consumer education department. He further adds, "Incredibly, fifty per cent of vehicles on the road today have windshield wipers that are beyond their functional lifespan, and fifteen per cent of the vehicles inspected during National Car Care Month failed because of worn windshield wiper blades."

You see, windshield wiper blades really are useful. For example, you may have your vehicle spruced up with the very best available in the market. However, if you do not have the right kind of windshield wiper blades, your vehicle would still be heading for trouble. What is important is that you are actually able to have all the right parts in your vehicle.

Rain. Snow. Fog.

During these weather conditions, windshield wiper blades are really handy. Experts in the field even do say that if people do have their windshield wiper blades running perfectly, one million accidents would not be occurring annually. This is why these experts do maintain that vehicle owners and drivers should keep in mind that it would be best to inspect windshield wiper blades and replace them at least every six months. These windshield wiper blades may not be used frequently but they do get damaged by various factors and elements like UV rays, dust, friction, and acid rain.

Gregory also does inform the public, "Start with a visual inspection of the wiper blade. Look for cracked or torn rubber, splits, gouges, or a discoloration in the blade surface. Next, run your finger along the blade surface and check for hard or brittle rubber or ragged edges. Finally, inspect the plastic or metal wiper body, looking for a bent or damaged frame that could affect wiper performance. If any of these conditions exist, or if the wiper blade has been on the vehicle for more than six months, replace the wiper blades or the entire assembly."

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