Car Audio: Music On The Move

By: Jon Kilminster

Picture this: a sunny day. You are at the wheel of your favorite car. The road stretches out enticingly before you. You have time and freedom to drive wherever you want. There is no particular time that you need to be home. The window is open, sending in the cool air as the car pushes forward. Could this be more perfect? Is there anything missing? In a word, yes. And that thing is music!

Driving is a joy, especially when you have all the time in the world, and you are out in the country, with miles to cover. But there's nothing like listening to music on the go. It adds feeling to the driving like nothing else.

The thing you need, though, to listen to music, is a great music system. This sounds simple, but the one thing that many people do when they purchase their system is make a cardinal mistake. And that mistake is to pay to little for their sound system.

A cheap system can do the job in some ways. After all, music is music, right? But the thing that you get with a cheap system is a cheap sound quality which will forever be fighting with the sounds of the car. Not good. This can become annoying very quicly, since passages of music will be drowned out by the sounds of the car as the frequencies interfere with each other.

However, with a more expensive system, the rules change. It's mainly to do with the quality of the speakers. A good pair of speakers will not on;ly generally have more power, but will also give a much better range of sounds, or tones. This means that the music will be much more enjoyable, a greater listening pleasure.

And that's exactly what is needed when the road is clear, the sun is shining and the window is open to the cool fresh air. So when choosing your sound system, don't immediately go for the cheapest option. Check out some of the more expensive models. You won't regret it.

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