Simply put, online testing involves keying each different test variable with a unique identifying code (so each desired response can be tracked to its source), running the test campaign, keeping records, and tabulating and comparing the results. The winning variable then becomes the control, or bench mark, which future ones are measured against. Let's look at testing in more detail... The technical testing involves the following steps: 1) Try to determine with ads works best. 2) Creating the test ad(s).(test one at a time) 3) Keying each ad with a unique tracking code. 4) Take accurate test records. 5) Running the campaign. 6) Tracking and comparing results to determine which test variable is the winner. 7) Keep testing to constantly beat your existing control. Keying ads and tracking responses online can be done in a variety of ways. For accuracy, be sure to use a unique tracking code for each different test variable and keep accurate records. The tracking method used will vary based on your circumstances and the type of response you want. Tracking Web Page Hits Another important thing to do is to track your web page hits. You wanna know what page pulls the most hits. Where the people come from. What browser, OS, and screen resolution are important. If your web site display best in 1024x860 and and 90% use 800x640 it might look messy. Improve your testing Your main objective in testing is always to try to come up with a better pulling variable (headline, offer, guarantee, price, etc.) than your existing control. Whenever tests prove that another variable pulls better than your existing control, it replaces it until a future test reveals an even better one. Make Testing a second nature. Instead of viewing the testing process as too much bother, you should view it as a wise investment in crucial information that reveals how to progressively improve the profitability of your marketing. Considering all the advantages that testing offers, the reasons for making it a habit are obvious. You don't have to be content with the same mediocre level of response to your marketing campaigns, unaware of what's really working and what isn't. If you aren't already, start taking advantage of scientific testing to constantly improve your marketing results, avoid making the same wasteful mistakes, and earn more profits. And if you're already profiting from it, consider taking advantage of it more fully. Copyright ? Michel Richer PERMISSIONS TO REPUBLISH: This article may be republished in its entirety free of charge, electronically or in print, provided it appears with the included copyright and author’s resource box with live website link. |
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