Market, Market and then market some more. So many small and home-business owners do what we call spot marketing. They market hard for their business, get a response then stop marketing. Marketing must be an ongoing process. Let's repeat that...Marketing Must Be An On Going Process. In addition, you should have multiple marketing strategies. For example, we market on the internet through newsgroups, newsletters, press releases, forums, writing articles. We also market by running support groups, joining local groups and chambers, and being active and getting involved in the community. We give out our brochures and business cards. Your cards and brochures are not going to do you any good sitting in your files. We send out follow-up information for every cold call we make and speak to someone. While we might not do business with them now, we might down the road. However, we certainly won't hear from them, if they don't get something from us. The following happened during a teleclass we sat in on: One of the other participants asked about getting customers for interior design work. She had a brochure with her services, and would give a free consultation to her clients. However, she wasn't turning those into sales. A couple of things we suggested were to 1) put pictures in her brochure of before and afters for homes she did; 2) offer to re-do a small area of their home for half price, so they could get an idea of her work. She loved the ideas, and thought they would work marvelously for her. Remember, you won't get the business, if you don't ask for it. Along with the marketing you have to also be a salesperson. You have to ask for the sale. You don't have to be obnoxious about it, in fact, if you are, you probably won't get it at all. As most of you know, we never push anyone to order or do something with us, it's up to them. We want our customers to make an informed decision, and for it to be win-win for everyone, and that is how we conduct our business. You should also. However, realize that for certain businesses a stronger approach might be necessary. For those that work with services only, you have to create a need for that person to act now. Those in real estate know, if the owner is not motivated now and is just fishing for price, the deal might not go. You have to make it go, either by using a new strategy or following up at a later date. There are some deals that do go even if there is not a lot of motivation, but because you were able to come up with a creative real estate strategy that peaked the owners/buyers interest now and for him/her to act now. For those in service businesses listening skills are a must. If you are not a good listener, learn to be. If you are constantly thinking only about what you are going to say about your product/service, you are missing out on what your customers needs are. The best way to think of your services or products is what are the benefits for your customers. Make a list of them, know them well and then you'll be better able to listen to your customers. There are many different ways to get new clients, repeat business and to stay focused. Copyright DeFiore Enterprises 200 |
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