If you're one of those people like most of the world you probably choose your tire from reading the side label of your existing tire that came on the automobile when you bought it from the dealership. But if you don't know what you're reading on your tire you might be losing and leaving out a whole bunch of new tire options. Also after you compare your budget and what you can afford then you can start picking your tire of choice.
If you go and read a car tire label you might reading this "P135/75R 15 25H". This whole car tire label sentence means a lot and has a lot of information in it . But if you don't know what any of this information means then how are you going to know what kind of tire to buy. But here's a little help that I'm going to give you.
When you go look on your tire label there are 3 main first letters you going to be looking for. The letters are: P is for four door sedan, LT is For Small truck or half ton truck, and T is for extra or temporary tire. Then there are Numbers that follow the letters up above and these numbers indicate how wide the tire is in millimeters. If a tire is smaller they will have smaller numbers and if there bigger they will have bigger numbers.
The other numbers that follow after the numbers above represent the tires aspect ratio. This is the percent of the tires main width such as a tire's height is 75 percent of its width. Non performance tires will have a higher number than performance tires.
The letter that follows the aspect ratio of a tire is the Type of tire it is, such as "P" stands for performance tires and the number following the letter that stands for what type of tire it is, is the diameter of the tires and rim in inches.
The Number that follows the type of tire and the diameter of the tire is the load index number. This number indicates a tires load capacity. If you take this number and look at load capacity chart it will give you how much all four tire can hold and have a load on them.
The Last and final letter on the tire stands for how fast you can go with out damaging the tire. If you go over the speed you shouldn't go over you tire can get very hot and can and will separate from the belts witch means you will be driving on a unsafe tire. These letters and speed ratings tell you how fast you may go with out damaging the tire or being unsafe.
When you go and select new tires for any of you automobiles or any type of thing like that you want to be very careful when you buy them. The main things you want to look for is that if there durable . The other things you might want to look for are tread type, mileage warranty and other things like that. Ask them about any things that you are unfamiliar with.
The last thing is that it is going to be your money you're spending when you go and buy a new set of tire for your automobile that means you want the safest and most depending tire for you money. Many of the tire sizes and ratings on speed are pretty much all the same but make sure to read you owners manual just to be careful and make sure.