Making Vehicle Livery Successful

By: Derek Both

Vehicle livery can be very successful providing that it is done the right way and can bring many benefits to any kind of business. Research has shown that for every mile driven, over 600 visual impressions are generated. This creates a massive potential for any company wishing to advertise as thousands and thousands of people will be seeing their advert every day.

However, just because people are seeing the advertisement it doesn't mean that they are going to remember it or act on it. In order to make sure that people notice the vehicle livery they are seeing and remember it there are many things that companies can do.

The easiest way to get people's attention is to make the vehicle livery bold, colourful and eye - catching. If an advertisement on the back or side of a van, truck or bus is boring and dull then people aren't going to notice or remember it. This kind of advertising needs to be particularly eye - catching because the vehicle may pass quite quickly so people only have a few seconds to notice it. However, if the advert is different to anything else then people are going to be impressed with it and will remember it the next time they require that service.

Graphics are very important when it comes to guaranteeing successful vehicle livery. People are a lot more likely to notice a picture than they are to notice lots of text. In order to try and make sure that people remember the advert and can visualise it even when it's gone it is best to have a large picture with only a little text such as the company name and phone number.

When trying to decide on a design for vehicle livery it is important to remember that the image you are using is going to reflect your business. If you use something cheap and tacky then people aren't going to have a good impression of your business. However, if something subtle and classy is used then people are going to respect the company and take them more seriously.

In order to make your vehicle livery more successful it is wise to use the same design for all the vehicles you are using. This is because people are more likely to remember and recognise something if they've seen it several times. If a company is using several different advertisements at the same time it is going to confuse potential customers and people are less likely to remember it.

Successful vehicle livery can lead to an increase in business and can also help people to instantly recognise a company logo or slogan. You don't even need to be an expert in this because there are companies available who can organise this for all kinds of businesses.


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