Going nuts everytime a check engine light goes on, is nothing new. Everyone's busy and cannot possibly have enough time to go check your car or truck whenever this happens, so you take it with good will to your "loyal" mechanic and he checks it over and a famous one liner that you've heard before utters his lips, you know, something like, "Good thing you brought it over, I don't think it would have lasted another mile." Or something like that.
Whenever the check engine light goes on, don't panic. I've known several people who've had this problem over and over again. Usually it's a computer problem, or something so simple as needing another gas cap that makes people go into a tizzy. Sometimes the check engine light goes on because something needs attention that shouldn't wait too.
I know there's a lot of mechanics out there who are trustworthy, and reliable, and maybe you are perfectly happy when them. And maybe they come running down your driveway everytime the check engine light does come on, but most of the time, the engine has nothing to do with the that light gives you that wallet busting warning.
When a check engine light comes on, the on board usually stores a code that will lead to direction of the malfunction. Consider it a map with treasure being your malfunction. It doesn't necessarily tell you exactly what is wrong but gives you a code that you (or a technician) can decipher and get to what's aching your baby. Sounds simple, doesn't it? Well before you Indiana Jones wannabes light your torch and go into dark caverns under your hood, get all your facts straight. Just like Dr. Jones did with his archeological facts, you'll have to do a little research yourself. Sounds scary? Don't worry, it's not. Let's say the code "p0171, oxygen sensor indicates lean" shows up, causing your check engine light to glow. It doesn't mean the oxygen sensor is bad, it just means that the oxygen sensor is stuck lean. Now there could be several reasons for this; the engine could be running lean because of a number of problems, or the oxygen sensor is lazy and may actually need to be replaced. However, a bad oxygen sensor should set a oxygen sensor code as well.
Replacing a oxygen sensor sounds less threatening than replacing your transmission, doesn't it? It's amazing how many auto mechanics will tell you what's wrong when a check engine light goes on. It's become a vital commodity to mechanics, just like a pop up ad on your computer, but they don't have to pay for this ad.
And research is really not so bad. It's not like homework, you don't have to do it, however, if you don't, and ignore it, you'll regret it. So how can distinguish what your car needs, and what kind of project it will entail if you can't trust your mechanic? Well, you can take it to a mechanic when the check engine light goes on, but most mechanics charge jup to hundreds of dollars just to inspect the problem, and you'll have to add this to fix what that the mechanic has dreamed up, after all, who's he afraid of, it's not like you've done your research, right? Here is a great way to get your research done before going to the mechanic, so you know what you are in for.
Almost all car repair questions can now be answered online, right at your fingertips. Many websites now offer advice for the average car owner to troubleshoot car problems, so the days of going to one mechanic after another to diagnosis your car problems are over. Sites such as Automtoive Experts Online are dedicated to troubleshoot car problems, such as check engine lights for Honda Accord or Toyota check engine light. This site is designated for safe and reliable auto advice that's cheap and fast. No one has the time to figure out common car problems on their own, and mechanics can charge up to hundreds of dollars just to tell you what's wrong. The site is great for car owners who do work themselves, and a life savor for newbies as well.
The site is free to register and join, all questions can be seen for free and registered users bid on answers written by real certified experts. Common questions relating to check engine light for Honda Accord, or Toyota check engine light are often answered within hours. It also guarantees your satisfaction by refunding your deposit 100% if you are not satisfied. It is easy to use and the database of car repair questions is growing.
So before you go out and venture the wild terrain of under your hood, do a little research and go prepared. If you are not mechanically inclined, you owe it to yourself to still do the research so you can go your mechanic prepared, and proud, and say, "My emmisions increased 1.5 times, emitting triple the hydrocarbons into the atmosphere, fix that, and nothing else." Your mechanic will never look at you the same ever again.