Big Technology in Small Things

By: Vincent P Platania

Back in 1972, something very small came into the United States, and it has changed the lives of millions of people. The Honda CVCC, introduced to America in 1972, a year before the beginning of the oil crisis, has changed technology in the automotive industry forever. Nobody ever imagined the impact it would have on America's culture or economy. That change didn't come overnight, though. It took almost 20 years for Honda to be considered a premier car company. Now, big manufacturers, like General Motors and Ford Motor Corporation, are trying to develop cars to compete with Honda, which was unthinkable when the CVCC first debuted.

The "Asian Invasion" didn't happen overnight, and the small things in automotive technology are not going to stop making big changes. One of the smallest technologies is "nanotechnology." Nanotechnology is research done in the range of 0 - 100 nanometers. To give an example of how small a nanometer is, a pinhead is about 1.5 million nanometers.

How could something this small be affecting the auto industry in such a big way?

Technology at this level is already being employed in the circuitry of your car's electronics. It is being used to develop better products in everyday life as well, from tennis balls and hard drives, even sunscreen. Nanotechnology plays a very active role. According to an article on's website by, Bob Rosenbaum, December 27th, 2004, a company called ApNano Materials is extending that technology even into engine lubrication. They have developed a lubrication called NanoLub, based on spherical inorganic nanoparticles. Its function is the same as the existing lubricants, to reduce wear and tear on moving parts, but the way it performs is drastically different. According to the creators, the use of NanoLub can even make the need for an oil change obsolete. It is already being tested in power plant turbines, medical industry equipment, and maintenance-free environments.
The point is...
NanoLub uses technology that is already being used in synthetic lubes today. The molecular structure was built using nanotechnology. Honda didn't become the standard household name it is now until after 20 years of being sold in the United States, and they were around for more than 50 years before that. Like Honda, synthetic lubricants have been building a name for themselves and are becoming more and more common as the lubricant of choice. The oil change business isn't going away in the near future and more and more people are going to make the switch to synthetics. Nanotechnology isn't going to replace synthetic oils. It is only going to make them better.


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