You can't seem to go anywhere on the Internet today without reading something about how to save money by converting cars to run on water. You'll also see plenty of sites with manuals available to guide you through the process.
With gas prices averaging $4 around the country and rising almost daily, the idea of using your tap water to power your SUV probably sounds like a dream come true. But is it only a dream? Are these people selling the manuals just taking advantage of desperate consumers who want to save a few bucks? Or are they offering a real alternative to high prices and a dependency on a disappearing fossil fuel?
Water 4 Gas Facts
Some people who claim this is a scam do so because of a basic misconception about the process. Although some sites almost suggest you can completely replace your gasoline with water, the truth is you can't. Basically, you're creating a water hybrid car. That means you use a combination of water and gas to power your vehicle.
As a result, you won't completely end your dependence on gasoline. Instead, you'll reduce your car's need for gas which will lower your consumption and keep more of your hard earned money in your pocket.
Is it a Scam?
Once you realize that what is being proposed by this process is not much different than the systems already being used by true hybrid cars on the market (although they are using electricity instead of water), then the claims don't seem as outlandish or as easy to dismiss.
In fact, the Internet is just as full of people who claim they have actually used the conversion successfully and have cut their fuel usage. While some users have claimed to have doubled their mileage, you may not reap those types of rewards. A more realistic improvement is 50%. That means if you currently can go 24 miles per gallon you can expect to boost that to around 36 miles per gallon.
Will I Really Save Money?
If you read the details of how the water hybrid system works, it makes sense. Lots of people are already purchasing the conversion manuals and trying them out. You see more claims of success than cries of scam on the Internet - that's a good sign.
Of course, you will need to spend money to try it for yourself. After you purchase the manual, you'll need to spend roughly $60 on parts. If you feel comfortable doing the conversion yourself and you have about an afternoon to devote to the project, you won't need to pay extra for labor costs.
Improving your gas mileage even by 50% of less will save you money. However, using water and less fuel can also help your car last longer and require fewer repairs which is another way of saving you money down the road.
In addition to the monetary benefits, most people who praise the Water 4 Gas process point out that it's better for the environment, too. Instead of emitting toxic chemicals into the air when you drive, all you'll be spewing from your tail pipe is water vapor. That may not save you money but it might help save the planet.