Whats The Hoopla About Ephedra Anyway?

By: Todd Brenner

Ephedra is one of the world's oldest medicines, as the Chinesefirst discovered it more than 5,000 years ago. The scientificname for Ephedra is 'Ephedra Sinica', which is an herbal productthat comes from an evergreen plant called MaHuang. Ephedra isknown to increase metabolism, relax the air passages, promoteperspiration and promote urination. With these reactions in thebody, Ephedra has been shown to help with weight loss, asthma,coughs, minor colds and edema.

Physiologically, Ephedra stimulates the brain, causingnervousness and making the heartbeat faster. Ephedra temporarilyexpands the tubes that carry air to the lungs (bronchial tubes),which makes breathing easier in people who have asthma and otherrespiratory illnesses. Ephedra is best known for its fat burning(thermogenic) properties. Some research shows the ephedrapromotes fat loss while sparing lean muscle. People also useEphedra as an energy booster and to help with weight loss.

According to the FDA's website, the short-term use of Ephedra orEphedra plus caffeine is associated with a statisticallysignificant increase in short-term weight loss compared toplacebo. There are no studies assessing the long-term effects ofthe use of Ephedra containing dietary supplements.

Given the studies on short-term effectiveness, you may considerusing Ephedra for a shorter length of time while you areconcentrating on reaching your weight loss target. Be sure toconsume Ephedra according to industry guidelines, which suggestno more than 10mg of Ephedra per day. For the latest informationon other diet related topics, visit www.DietWeightLossNews.orgIf you are interested in the latest with regards to publicavailability of Ephedra, go to www.EphedraEnergy.co

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