There is a cactus which acts as an anti obesity medication. Wondering about this statement? But, this statement is completely factual. Hoodia Gordonii is a type of cactus which is found in the Kalahari Desert of Africa. The plant is in use as an appetite suppressant, since the time immemorial. If you are thinking, why there was a need of appetite suppression in the past centuries? The answer is extreme climatic condition of Kalahari Desert demands suppression of appetite. Kalahari is notorious for scarcity of food. Even in the contemporary time, the population in Kalahari is famine affected. In such an extreme climatic condition, tribal people are successful to maintain there existence with the help of Hoodia. Before going for hunting in the deep desert, they used to chew Hoodia plant and didn't feel urge for food up to 24 hours.
Obesity in about 90% cases can be treated with the help of an appetite suppressant. Phytopharm, the famous drug manufacturer understood the significance of Hoodia plant for millions of obese across the world. So, Phytopharm decided to develop Hoodia appetite suppressant in easy to use forms. The end result of efforts made by Phytopharm came out in three different forms of Hoodia diet drug. This medication is available in forms of health drink, pill and capsule. Presently two companies are engaged in manufacturing, marketing and development of this medication. Phytopharm and Unilever are the names of those two companies.
For manufacturing Hoodia medication, a compound P-57 is extracted from Hoodia Gordonii plant. This active ingredient of Hoodia increases the level of sugar in the blood of the user. This effect is momentous and non harmful for the body. The presence of sufficient amount of sugar in blood conveys false information about the presence of food in the stomach. Even an empty stomach is taken as full stomach by the brain. Till the brain knows, there is sufficient food in the stomach, you cannot feel hunger.
If you are willing to reduce extra weight from your body, Hoodia can help you. For taking this medication there is no need to get a doctor's prescription. You can easily use this medication, if you do not belong to any of the below mentioned group.
Pregnant ladies
Breast feeding mothers
Patients of cardio-vascular diseases
Ladies planning to bear child in near future
People with body mass index below than 27
Though, no prescription is required for using Hoodia but before using this medication prior consultation should be done. The reason being, that only a trained medical practitioner can decide about the suitability of any medication for a particular person. Since, Hoodia diet drug is made up of all natural ingredients, therefore it does not give any harmful side effect.
Buy Hoodia diet pill through an online order and get it on a better price. An online order for this medication brings it at cheaper rate. Online pharmacies deliver this medication at your doorstep.