The Hidden Dangers of Belly Fat for Women

By: heather picken

What is visceral fat?

Visceral fat is fat that is deep inside the abdomen, around the organs. Visceral fat, unfortunately, is nowadays thought to be much more significant for disease risk than subcutaneous fat. Scientist have linked visceral fat to metabolic diseases like diabetes. For women, a waist size of more than 35 inches signals potential trouble.

What about liposuction to get rid of it? Actually, The New England Journal of Medicine did a study in 2004 about removing the viseral fat in women and they found out even though large amounts were removed it there were no health benefits-no changes in cholesterol, blood pressure or other risk factors for heart disease.

That is why it is crucial to be proactive and do something about it right now before it's too late.

How you get rid of it?

Eating fat-burning foods, which include lean proteins, fibrous carbohydrates, and whole grains.

Another thing you can do is decrease the saturated fats (think butter and high fatty foods) You also want to take your EFA's (essential fatty acids) this will help in get rid of viseral fat (think fish oil and flaxseed oil).

Also, weight training will help your body to build more lean muscle. Make sure your workouts are fat-burning, don't make the mistake of just going through the motions during your workout, otherwise you will never get rid of the visceral fat.

What about walking?

Walking isn't really going to do much to stimulate major fat loss,especially the viseral fat. You need to do interval cardio, if your serious about improving your health and looking better. I've seen too many women just focusing on walking and not even paying attention to the resistance training. Remember the more lean muscle you have, the leaner you will be.

If your not eating enough to support your lean muscle it will be hard to get rid of the visceral fat as well. Most women who get stuck and reach what they call a plateau are guilty of this.

Visceral fat goes way beyond just looking better, commit to becoming healthy now.

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