The South Beach Diet is very popular with people who want to lose weight, but not have to count carbohydrates, fat grams, and every thing else! This diet is a great alternative to these sometimes unhealthy means of losing weight. The South Beach Diet allows you to eat in a healthy way and not completely cut out all your favorite food items, which in the long run makes it almost impossible to stick to, again leaving you frustrated with your attempt to lose weight. The South Beach Diet works by changing the way you eat to include more healthy choices that will make you feel good and increase your energy levels. This diet focuses on good carbohydrates and fats, so you don't crave all those bad carbohydrates and fats, which work against you in attaining your diet goals and leave you hungry all the time.
The South Beach Diet is divided into three phases. The first is designed to help you change your diet to one that is filled with eating healthy lean types of meat, such as beef, lamb, pork, veal, chicken, fish, and seafood. All meat should be broiled or baked, not fried, and should not be coated with breading or crumbs; this adds extra carbohydrates and calories that you are trying to avoid. Plenty of vegetables, nuts, eggs, and low-fat or fat-free cheeses are also allowed so long as they are not coated with anything adding extra calories. Vegetables should be steamed and plain, no sauces or butter yet. phase one of the South Beach Diet is the most limited, and does not allow you to have breads or baked goods of any kind, rice, pastas, potatoes, fruit, candy, ice cream, sugar, or alcohol. You can have sugar-free treats, but they should be limited to seventy-five calories per day. I know what you're thinking, don't get discouraged. This part of the diet only lasts the first two weeks, and is designed to get your body used to only having good carbohydrates to jump start your weight loss and eradicate your cravings.
In phase two, you will slowly add back in sweet potatoes, wild or brown rice, whole grain breads and cereals, fresh fruits, and red or white wines. You should avoid such vegetables as carrots, beets, white potatoes, and corn because of their high sugar content, and also fruits like bananas, pineapples, raisins, and watermelon. Some other foods that will slow down your weight loss efforts include cookies, cakes, sweet rolls, and ice cream. These should be kept to a bare minimum if you have them at all. You need to stick to phase two until you reach your goal weight, then you will begin phase three or the maintenance phase. This is where you continue to practice the good eating habits you have learned and maintain your weight. The South Beach Diet is heart healthy and is designed to teach dieters how to lose weight effectively and keep it off for their lifetime. No more yo-yo dieting!