Fast Weight Loss in 2 Days 4 Easy Diets

By: EveBridge Women Magazine

How to lose weight fast, easy and safe?

Forget about rapid weight loss diet!
These are short term diets that can loose up to 2-4 pounds. First you starve, then loss some pounds, relax and one day later, eat and eat and eat. It's best before going for a party or date. However, it is not an effective long term weight loss. Most people tend to increase their weight after taking this rapid weight loss diet. All you have after them are more extra pounds. 

A) The best way for weight loss is balanced nutrition and active lifestyle.

  • Gym, run or swim - do it!
    It may be difficult to start, but you once you start exercising, you will notice that you eat as much junk food as before. Your mind will help to better food like fruits, vegetables and meat as well, because you need vitamins and minerals. Your muscles will shape up.
  • A Happy Person eats Lesser
    When you are active you are in good mood, you are able to think about many interesting things not just about the meal. But when you are depressed - you eat, and feel much worse. There are so many reasons to be depressed, it is very strong feeling and not so easy to quite. 

b) Below are 4 customised diet plan to help you lose weight. You can repeat them every 2 weeks.

1) Fruits Day Only
For the breakfast, lunch and dinner eat fruit salad grapefruit, apple and orange. Drink green tea, or black with lemon and 1 tea spoon honey to increase your body metabolism. This diet you can do once a week.

2) Grapefruit and Eggs diet
For the breakfast, lunch and dinner eat a half of grapefruit, 2 boiled eggs, and 1 slice of bread. Drink green or black tea with a lemon and 1 tea spoon honey to increase your body metabolism.

3) Vegetable Diet (weight loss about 3.5 lbs)

  • Breakfast
    A glass of vegetable juice, 4 baked or stewed tomatoes. Drink green tea, or black with lemon and 1 tea spoon honey to increase your body metabolism.
  • Lunch
    Eat fresh salad - cut about 2 cucumbers and 5 tomatoes, salt and 1-2 table spoon vegetable oil. Drink green or black tea with lemon or mint, you can add honey as well.
  • Dinner
    Prepare stewed vegetables - onion, carrot, cabbage and tomatoes. It's not so principle to choose the exact vegetable you can vary with different. But choose light, not potato. Drink green or black tea with lemon or mint, you can add honey as well.

4) Eggs and Honey Diet (weight loss about 3.5 lbs)

First Day

  • Breakfast
    2 yolks of egg mix with 1 tea spoon honey, coffee or tea without sugar, you can add lemon or mint.
  • Lunch
    1 yolk of egg with honey, 3 slices of cheese, drink coffee or tea without sugar, you can add lemon or mint.
  • Dinner
    A cup of chicken broth, slice of bred, 1 yolk of egg with honey, 1 apple, tea without sugar, you can add lemon or mint.

Second Day:

  • Breakfast
    2 yolks of egg mix with 1 tea spoon honey, 1 slice of bred, coffee or tea without sugar, you can add lemon or mint.
  • Lunch
    1 yolk of egg with honey, a piece of boiled meat about 200 gr, drink coffee or tea without sugar, you can add lemon or mint.
  • Dinner
    A cup of chicken broth, slice of bred, 1 yolk of egg with honey, 1 apple, tea without sugar, you can add lemon or mint.

Loose weight smart and be healthy! Good luck

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