Mens Weight Loss Quiz

By: Deidra Garcia

1. Beverages can cause you to gain weight.

TRUE: Many men don't realize that beverages are often loaded with empty calories. Even fortified waters can contain as many calories as a can of soda. In fact, a recent study found that most men don't accommodate for these extra calories with their meals. A better bet is to stick to drinking plenty of water, as it keeps your system well-hydrated, helps food break down easier and doesn't pack on the pounds.

2. Fasting is a good way to drop a few pounds.

FALSE: By skipping meals and then playing catch-up, you could end up promoting more fat storage and lowering your metabolism due to fluctuating insulin and blood sugar levels. You also lose more than fat when you don't lose muscle and tissue mass. A better bet is to follow a moderate diet and continue to exercise regularly.

3. Eating more produce reduces the pounds.

TRUE: This seems like it should go without saying, but most men don't get their allotted five servings a day. In addition to containing vitamins, fiber, antioxidants and protein, fruits and vegetables are a low-calorie option that can help you lose weight and improve health tremendously. A few ideas for consuming more are eating a vegetarian meal at least once a week, keeping fresh produce on hand for snacks (even canned vegetables and fruits are valuable as long as they don't contain heavy syrup or preservatives), and adding more to salads, sandwiches and as side dishes..

4. Drinking a lot of water causes you to lose weight.

FALSE: Water is key to fending of dehydration and it helps the body processes. It even helps provide a "full" feeling. But drinking water does not burn off calories, and drinking an excessive amount of water can also add to temporary water weight and make you feel bloated.

5. You need to exercise as well as diet to lose weight.

TRUE: Many men think if they eat right they can skip exercising altogether. Or vice versa. Wrong. If you are actively looking to lose weight, you are going to have to regularly exercise as well as follow a nutritious diet. Exercising 3-4 times a week not only improves cardiovascular and overall health, it also helps you burn calories as you build muscle.

6. You can keep your weight down by skipping meals.

FALSE: Although experts are divided on how many meals you should eat (3 moderate meals, or several small ones throughout the day), mealtimes need to be kept at the same time every day so your body knows when to feel hungry. Skipping meals can cause you to overeat at the next meal as your body tries to make up for the meal that was missed.

7. Diets that focus on adding or removing only one type of food are the most effective.

FALSE: Many fad diets rely on eating a large quantity of or removing one substance or food from your diet (for example: low-carb diet, the cabbage diet, etc.). But the fact is that eating too much of one thing can cause you to miss out on valuable nutrients in other foods (how many fruits contain protein?). And your body needs many components to function well (carbs provide energy, etc.). Instead of drastically cutting or adding an ingredient, try reducing "bad" foods and eating moderate servings of more varied foods.

8. You can still snack and eat your favorite foods as you diet.

TRUE: The reason many men fail at weight management is because they try to deprive themselves of their favorite foods...which may not be the healthiest. Unfortunately, when deprived like this, many guys tend to overeat or binge at the slightest waver of willpower. There's no need to give up desserts or less-than-healthy options...just eat them in small servings and restrict them to only once or twice a week. Even restaurant meals and fast food options can be conquered if you keep the portions small (take half home as leftovers) and you're aware of what exactly you are consuming, nutrition-wise.

9. How you eat is just as important as what you eat.

TRUE: Ever wolf down a huge plate of food and then realize that you weren't even that hungry to begin with? This happens more frequently than most men think. Men who overeat tend to eat very quickly. This does not allow your stomach time to process food and does not allow your brain time to realize you've had enough. A better option is to take your time as you eat: you'll be able to recognize when you fill full (and then stop) and it will also help with digestion. Not to mention that you'll be able to savor the flavors much better this way!

10. Nutritional supplements don't help you lose weight.

FALSE: While you cannot rely on a nutritional supplement for all of your dietary needs, they can help you attain significant weigh loss results when coupled with a healthy diet and regular exercise. Just make sure they contain high concentrations of natural ingredients from a trusted source.

11. You always gain weight when you quit smoking.

FALSE: Although some men gain weight when they quit, the benefits of quitting smoking far outweigh the risk of putting on a few pounds. And you can avoid that altogether by avoiding snacking on fattening foods. Instead, keep healthier options available (such as veggies, fruit or even sugar-less gum) for when a craving occurs. Exercise can also work out anxiety.


9 - 11 correct: Fitness guru
6 - 8 correct: A healthy mind set
3 - 5 correct: Need some coaching
0 - 2 correct: Get off the couch!

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