Is P90X Worth The Price

By: Phillip Longmire

Of Course that is really up to you if you think P90X is worth the price, but let me address this from my own experience and thinking. I have tried online programs, gyms, and now a home workout video. Each one has its strengths and weakness.

The gym

Let me start off by saying that I really love gyms. I don't love all gyms but I do love gyms. They have a lot of benefits and carry better equipment than I can buy and purchase.

The one thing I noticed in my own life is it is hard to stay motivated unless you have someone that will go with you and hold you accountable. You do get to meet new people in gyms and that could be that person, but most of the time we have our ear buds in and feel a little weird if someone comes up and just starts talking to us.

My Success with a gym has always come when I had someone to workout with me and push me. When we did it together I have seen huge gains and great results. However those times only last for so long, because now I am relying on someone else as well as myself to succeed. That can only last so long and I end up spending huge amounts of money for five to six month results.

Not to mention unless you find a hole in the wall you are dropping a large sum of money on sign up fees, processing fee, and then paying monthly payments. All this goes to pay the salesmen and gadgets you may never use. You are basically paying for a lot of things you don't need and perhaps may never use. To tell you the truth I hate the process and get upset every time I go through it. I now live in an area that I have a free gym which is very nice, and I still use my own gym that has almost none of the things the free gym has. I will tell you why later.

The other problem with joining a gym is that you miss the most important part of any weight loss or fitness program you do. Eating! Eating to get results. There is little accountability and or knowledge when it comes to learning how to eat. If your not eating right you will never see the results you want.

Online Diet Programs

These Programs are great to gain ideas and record what you are doing at home or in a gym. It could also be the support you need with a gym, the accountability to eat right. However, that is just another monthly fee.

I have had some results in learning how to eat and prepare food by joining online programs. I also like the online boards that have people doing the same things as I am. It seems to help to have these people with you. It provides a greater bit of accountability because there is more than one person and if one drops there are fifty to take their place.

I would recommend these programs and even have two as sponsors at Fitness Village. We like "The Biggest Loser" and we just picked up "Jillian Michaels". We also promote "The Best Life" that showed Opera how to loose weight. When it comes to gaining knowledge and ideas on "how" to lose weight, online programs are great. Got to our Blog to check them out.

But again you are paying a monthly fee and need some self motivation to see ongoing results. You will end up paying several hundred over the course of a year.


I have to say in my own experience, this is the best product on the market. It takes everything that is positive from online programs or gyms and places it into one product.

It is the only product that I use on a consistent basis and it is the only product that has given me lasting results. I lost over ten inches in 90 days...not only lost inches but toned my body.

If you go with P90X you get 12 different workouts. One problem I always had in the gym was I kept working through the same moves and after five months or so it just got old. Even when i mixed it up it still got old.

I get bored easy and need a change of pace from time to time, P90X allowed for that change of pace. I was also attracted to it because I wanted to try Plyometrics, Yoga, and Kenpo. Those were parts of my workout that I never had, and I wanted to learn it the right way.

The 12 workouts are, Chest and Back, Plyometrics, Arms and shoulders, Yoga, Legs, Kenpo, Ab Xer, X Stretch, Core Synergetic, Chest, Shoulders, Triceps-Back and Biceps, Cardio X.

That Alone is Crazy!

The thing about having a guy who has over 20 years experience in training others to results, is that no matter how you feel, he keeps you honest. This isn't some guy doing aerobics on a screen, you are drawn in and feel like you are working out with buds. I know it sounds crazy but its what happens. So no matter what kind of day you had, Tony is going to push you and keep you moving at a great pace. It is a high level of accountability.

P90X also gives you online support. Let me be honest and up front with you. I am a coach at Million Dollar Body! What that means is that they get the money for the sale of the product and immediately sets you up with a coach. Once you contact the coach they assign you...they help you through the much or as little as you need. Coaches are there to encourage you, if you falter or fail we don't judge or berate but encourage and help you get restarted. There is no other program doing this stuff.

The coaches are people who have gone through the program and had success, they are committed to helping others get those same results. So yes, if you wanted me to be a coach, you would purchase the product and say I want Coach Phill as my coach. That is two l's on Phill, and bam, I will be there to help you. You don't have to use the coaches, but they are there to help!

Not only are you hooked up with a coach but you have an incredible online support of message boards, fitness kitchen with video cooking class, trainers showing you the moves on video, other success stories, and monthly newsletters that have great information from people who have been in the business for ever.

They also have this game called the Million Dollar Body Game. They give away a million dollars a year. Every day people are winning $100-200-300 or more a day just by logging in and recording there workouts. You can also submit your results every month and win up to $1000-10,000-or more a month. It is crazy!

Like that is not enough, sounds like a sales pitch! They also have this great eating plan. It is called the P90X Nutrition Plan and is probably the most vital part of your overall success. It is specifically designed to work in tandem with the P90X routines, this 3-phase eating plan provides the perfect combination of foods to satisfy your body's energy needs every step of the way.

P90X is not about quick fixes or miracle diets. It's about selecting the healthy foods that you WANT to eat, and determining the portion amounts that will provide your body with the right amount of fuel to excel during exercise. Identifying what, when, and how much to eat so you can lose fat and still get into incredible shape is the goal of this nutrition plan.

The fact is, you are capable of achieving awesome results if you follow this eating plan as designed. For many, this may be the toughest exercise, but it is absolutely essential to succeed in this program. Once you incorporate the principles of the P90X nutrition plan into your life, you will quickly begin to feel better, look better, and without a doubt perform better. You'll also soon discover that your cravings for unhealthy foods will be greatly reduced.

Why Diet Matters

A large body of scientific evidence shows that diet and exercise work hand-in-hand to promote fitness and physical performance. One reason for this symbiotic relationship is the energy equation. When you expend more calories than you consume, you burn body fat (aka "stored energy") and build lean body mass but because you need energy to exercise, every calorie you eat must be of the highest quality to get you over the hump.

Now if you ask me if that is worth 120 dollars I would have to say YES. If you compare the product to any other thing you will buy over the course of a year, it is cheaper, and you will receive more than what anyone else is offering, not to mention the opportunity to actually win money if you sign up for their online program.

My only motivation for you is to succeed. I want to partner with you in the changes you wish to see. I have a regular job, family, hobbies, responsibility, and truly don't have a lot of extra time. However, the extra time I have has been donated to my Fitness Village Blog at Word Press, and helping people get results from P90 X. I want to be your coach and help you succeed.

If you want to learn more on how to purchase this product with some discount or sign up and have me as your coach come by our blog and contact me. I will do every thing I can to help

Hope that helps in outlining the plus and minuses of all these programs.

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