If you search the internet for reviews on Hoodia you will get thousands of results and there is one thing that all these reviews have in common and that is that Hoodia Gordonii works and it is very effective for losing weight. So let's take a look at what Hoodia is and how it actually works.
What Is Hoodia?
Hoodia Gordonii is a plant from the succulent family and it grows in the Kalahari Desert in South Africa. The San Bushmen of South Africa would use this plant to suppress their appetites when they went on long hunting trips and knew that food would be scarce.
When the knowledge of this appetite suppressing benefit became known scientist started doing some testing on this plant to see if it could be used to assist people with weight loss.
How Does Hoodia Work?
During the scientific testing it was found that the Hoodia plant contains a molecule which was named P57 which is responsible for the appetite suppression. This molecule works in the same way that glucose works in our body but even more effective. Usually when we eat our glucose levels will rise thus sending a message to the brain telling us that we are full. Then we no longer feel hungry and we stop eating. This P57 molecule works the same way by sending a message to the brain to tell it that we are full and then we don't feel hungry and therefore stop eating. So in a sense this molecule tricks the brain into thinking that the stomach is full.
What Are The Side Effects Of Hoodia?
For the thousands of years that this plant has been used as an appetite suppressant there has never been any negative side effects recorded. As long as the product that you are buying is 100% genuine Hoodia Gordonii then it is perfectly safe to use.
Does Hoodia Work In Losing Weight?
The scientific studies and clinical trials that were conducted on Hoodia showed that it is in fact very effective at helping to lose weight. All the people that participated in the clinical trial reduced their calorie intake and lost weight.
These are the four things that most reviews on Hoodia will agree on. That Hoodia is a plant from South Africa, that it works by tricking the brain into thinking that the stomach is full, there are no negative side effects and lastly, Hoodia is very effective in losing weight. So stop looking for a miracle weight loss pill and give Hoodia a try.