Illness and Impotence Make the Choice for Gastric Bypass

By: Jonni Good

I was always a big kid growing up. My weight never bothered me. To me, every kid gets picked on for something and by the time my junior and senior years in high school came around the jokes about my weight had stopped and no one seemed to care any more. This is what usually made me rather content with my own appearance.

However once I graduated and I finally grew up and my body stopped growing my personal contentment would be the cause of serious health issues. These things never shrike at you first, they always sit back in the shadows and grow in seriousness.

Once I reached my late 20's about the age of 27 or 28 I found my own sexual prowess had become less potent I guess you could say. I knew my weight had to be connected with this problem and every attempt to loose weight was met with some adversity.

It wasn't an eating disorder it was just a simple case of I was too lazy to want to do anything about it. Sitting around all day cause I was always tired would lead to my becoming lethargic and by becoming lethargic, my body was suffering in the way of the posture and the muscle mass or what little I possessed of such a thing. I could already feel them locking up at every joint.

Of course later I had discovered that my somewhat lazy attitude wasn't being lazy at all. My weight had added another problem to my now growing list of health issues.

The weight was placing considerable strain in my heart. Not enough oxygen was making its way through my body and my red blood cells were becoming deprived thus making myself sleepy all the time.

Between this and my apparent impotency I now wanted to do something about. I was 28 years old and not only could I not maintain an erection but I was tired and winded all the time as well as on my way to having some possible ailments.

Once the doctor mentioned the possibility of diabetes, I was off and looking into gastric bypass surgery. My doctor had first suggested a diet and weight loss the old fashion way but I wanted quick results and I planned on taking this fresh start and running with it. I wasn't about to mess up again with this second chance I was lucky enough to gain.

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