What Is The Danger Of Weight Loss Drugs

By: Rob Lamper

Unfortunately, obesity is no longer just the realm of adults; more worrying still is the number of school-age children that are falling into the obese category. To cure this problem, some people have resorted to surgical measures whereas others have decided that adjustments to their food intake and an increase in physical activity are necessary. Of course if you are really in a hurry then you can always use weight loss medication to speed the process up.

These drugs usually work by telling the brain it's no longer hungry, stimulating metabolism to aid the shedding of excess fat. The problem arose when it was found that one of the side effects from this type of drug was the increased risk of heart valve disease and of course the drug was quickly withdrawn from use. Not to be defeated though, manufacturers have introduced updated drugs, prescribed by doctors but the FDA approval process is slow.

You may in fact know someone who has used these pills at some time and has first hand experience of how effective they can be. This is obviously a very tempting prospect, to lose weight whilst eating the same diet. Many millions of dollars are spent each year in The United States alone whilst the drug manufacturers spend huge sums on further research into weight loss drugs.

The more recent weight control pills can be prescribed by your doctor, dietitian or purchased in a drug store and despite the advances made in the drug manufacture, there are still dangers including vomiting and stomach problems. But they are not the only side effects and some can be more harmful than others. These include heart attacks, tremors, strokes, hallucinations and renal failure.

Of course, many factors can affect the type and severity of problems like family history, weight, age and lifestyle; this is why it is so important to see the doctor before starting a course of pills; should you decide to stop taking the treatment, other side effects can occur as a result. The effects of withdrawing the pills are irritability, vomiting, depression, fatigue and insomnia to name only a few of the reported conditions.

Whilst the effectiveness of these weight loss drugs is not in question, they are more effective if they are used alongside a controlled diet and exercise regime. This type of diet requires a balance of the food groups to ensure a proper intake of vitamins, minerals and fiber, almost all of which can be bought at your local supermarket but may require a little preparation.

A person can jog every morning or sign up and workout in a gym but just as a person should consult a doctor before taking medicines, a doctor should also be consulted prior to undertaking any form of exercise. Of course a good exercise regime will combine exercises that increase the heart rate and exercises that use weights to tone the muscles. A regime of this kind would increase an individual's metabolic rate.

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