5 Rules to Follow When Trying to Lose Weight

By: Gary Kidd

With all sorts of weight loss programs for you to choose from, including useless fad diets, pills and supplements, the very best weight loss program for you is one you can use at home.

Being able to exercise at home and have a flexible meal plan is the easiest way for you to burn fat and lose weight naturally without having to go to the gym and fight with the gym equipment on a regular basis. But of course, you need to have rules in place to ensure you stick to your weight loss program. This article is going to cover five of those rules to help you.

Rule 1 - The first rule is never to starve yourself. Over time, starving yourself will actually lead to you gaining more weight and not losing it. Your body needs food to function correctly so do not starve yourself and send your body into starvation mode. You will not lose weight and then when you finish your starvation period you will pile the pounds back on and could end up being heavier or more out of shape than you were before. Don't starve yourself please!

Rule 2 - Never miss out on eating breakfast. Breakfast is and always be the most important meal of the day. It helps to firstly stimulate your metabolism which itself will help to burn off fat and turn calories into energy. Eating breakfast naturally gives you energy and missing it will make you feel tired and dreary all day long. If you want more energy, then eat breakfast everyday.

Rule 3 - Instead of eating large meals, you need to reduce your portions and begin eating smaller meals more often. Try taking what you normally eat with one meal and splitting into two or three smaller meals. Eat these four to five times a day and you will stimulate your metabolism again and burn off more fat and lose weight a lot faster.

Rule 4 - Water is one of the best ways to stimulate your metabolism so drink as much of it as you can. You will not drink too much and if you suffer from water retention, then the best way to get rid of water in your body is to drink more water. 8 glasses a day is recommended but you can drink more if you want. Don't worry, you will not drown yourself by drinking water.

Rule 5 - Do not be unrealistic when setting your weight loss goals. Doctors recommend losing 2 lbs a week to remain healthy and prevent you having lots of loose skin when dieting or losing weight. Bare that in mind when setting your goals so you get an idea of how long you will need to be on your diet or weight loss program. Consult your Doctor of course if you need any further advice.

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