The Secret To Fat Loss - The Truth About Ab Exercises

By: James Wong

Have sexy, flat abdominals is one of the most coveted physical desires anyone can have. Heck, if you look at the infomercials alone, you would figure that humans have mastered the ability to produce a six pack at will.

The issue with our six pack producing methods arises when you research and realize that the most recommended abdominal exercises are practically useless when trying to achieve a six pack or flat sexy waist.

This is because almost all of the popular ab exercises ignore the one crucial rule in getting a six pack...reducing belly fat. And while many abdominal machines claim to reduce fat around your waist, it just won't happen unless you can burn excess calories with a proven system.

Rather than focusing an enormous amount of time on doing abdominal exercises, the bulk of your workout effort should be spent doing multi-joint, compound exercises which work a large percentage of musculature on the body. This will ensure that you activate your metabolism by using the most amount of muscle possible during an exercise routine.

Exercises that work the larger muscle groups of the legs, upper and lower back, and chest give you the biggest rise in your metabolism, and therefore, will lead to decreasing belly fat at the fastest rate possible. Crunches can't do that!

This simple adjustment to your workout routine is one of the most closely guarded secrets of all the fat loss gurus.

Another mistake many people make when trying to get a six pack is that they do an extensive amount of sets with barely any resistance involved. This will do very little for getting your six pack. You see, the abdominals are very dense muscle tissue and they are meant to be worked with high amounts of tension.

Because of this, the best exercises for abdominal muscles are those which provide enough resistance to onset fatigue at a range of about 6-15 reps. If you are doing more than 15 reps with your abdominal exercises, you are wasting your time.

The high tension exercises that give the best results are usually very intense in the aspect of having to maintain proper posture through out the movement. While many people who practice sit ups regularly never practice controlling posture throughout abdominal movements, this is the way to go. You will notice that many people do their ab exercises wildly out of control.

One of the best examples of a high-tension ab exercise is the hanging leg raise. This exercise involves the entire torso area and requires both high tension and postural control. The same individuals that claim to do "hundreds of sit-ups daily" usually can't knock out 5 good reps of hanging leg raises.

In summary, the number one way to get your six pack is by decreasing the amount of body fat around your stomach. This layer of fat must be completely eliminated to see your true potential with using any ab exercise. For more efficiency with your workouts, be sure to use abdominal exercises challenging enough to produce fatigue well before 15 reps and you will begin to see the difference!

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