If you fail to plan, you plan to fail. I am sure you have heard of that saying before. That statement applies no less to a successful fat loss program. If you just go through the motions or do whatever you feel like your chances of success are slim to none.
Take a look around you and you can observe this for yourself. You won't find many people in the gym with a training log for example. And if you ask them what their goals are most people only have a vague idea of what they want. This article will serve to help you get started on the right track.
Educate Yourself
The first thing you need to do is educate yourself. It doesn't make much sense to go ahead full force without the proper knowledge. Reading this article is a huge step in the right direction. Start learning about diet, exercise and lifestyle changes.
Remember that this is a lifetime investment that will pay huge dividends for you in the future. And don't wait! Start applying whatever you learn as soon as you can. Please avoid paralysis by analysis.
Set Your Goal
Next, you need to clearly define in your mind a realistic goal for yourself. For example, losing 24 pounds in 3 months or wanting to see your abs in 10 weeks. When you have decided on your goal you need to write it down so you can go over it from time to time.
If you don't know where you are going you will be less likely to get anywhere. Think of it as a road trip. Would you just drive and drive without a destination? If so, you are only going in circles and wasting your fuel.
Take Inventory Of Your Equipment
Once you have your goal you need to figure out what kind of equipment you will need to accomplish this goal. Things like a tape measure, a blender, a treadmill or a gym membership, running shoes etc.
You don't need to spend huge amounts of money, only get what is necessary. You can even buy some equipment second hand or borrow the smaller items like a tape measure.
Record Your Statistics
That's right, get out your tape measure, camera, scale, and callipers if you have them and record everything. You want your weight, your measurements, your appearance and your body fat percentage so you can monitor your progress.
The more closely you monitor your progress the easier it will be to make adjustments and find out what works best for you. Don't overlook this! You will be sorry later if you do.
Construct Your Nutritional Plan
Find out what foods you will be eating and write them down. Also write down how many meals you will be having on a daily basis and preferably when. Things will go much smoother when you have your diet already mapped out in advance.
Next, find the nutritional information of the foods you will be eating and record everything also. You don't really need a spreadsheet for this. Simply make neat columns on a piece of paper or in a text editor on your computer.
Decide On Your Exercise Regimen
You need to plan out how much cardio you will be doing and when. You also want to be sure of what kind of cardio you will be doing, whether it be brisk walking or the stationary bike.
The same thing applies to weight training. You need to find out where you will be exercising, what exercises you will be doing, how many reps, how many sets and on what days you will be training.
I know everything seems like a hassle now but your fat loss program will go a lot smoother this way, trust me!
Track Your Results!
When you have accomplished all the previous steps and feel you are ready then go ahead! Make sure to check your statistics every week so that you can make adjustments if you need to.
Most people go through all of the above blind. They don't know what is working and what is not. Therefore they fail to progress. Don't let this be you!