Will The Atkins Diet Help Me Lose Weight Quickly?

By: Linda Hayes

The Atkins Diet was THE celebrity diet a few years ago. And you probably have head of it unless you have been living under a rock. Well, I am not going to lie to you. I did try this diet and you might be surprised to hear me say, "It really works!". I was able to lose weight quickly with this diet. I dropped about 12 lbs in a month! What's great with this diet was that I was able to eat all the juicy steaks, cheeses (I'm a cheese freak!)and barbequed ribs everday... WHILE I was on a diet and losing weight!

Here's come a BUT. The reason why I eventually gave up this diet was probably the same reason why alot others have given it up too. The theory of this diet is that when you avoid all types of carbohydrates, your body are forced to use up the stored fat. Since you are eating nothing but meat, meat and even more meat everyday. It is very damaging to your body, especially your cardiovascular system. There is not much control on how much fat you are eating everyday. All those fat clogs up your arteries and I wouldn't be surprised if I get an heart attack at 35 if I keep using this diet. There are even rumors that the original creator of this diet, DIED from a heart attack. But his family kept it a secret for obvious reasons.

Besides the major health risk, there are other things that bothered me greatly as well. Fruits were almost forbidden in this diet. As well as most veggies. Yes, I was able to lose weight quickly, but I started having constipation. My breath started to stink and I couldn't help but fart alot. My complexion suffered too. I started getting pimples near my lips and on my back. On top of that, I missed my pasta and baked goods alot. 5 weeks into it, I've finally said "I've had enough!" and went on to search for another useful diet. And in the following month, I gained all 12 lbs back and then some.

I advise you not to attempt the Atkins diet if you want to keep your breath fresh or sanity in checked. Instead go for a more balanced diet. It might not give you such dramatic results but in the long run you will be able to keep the weight off. Isn't it all that matters?

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