Achieve Fitness and Weight Loss Using Online Fitness Tracker Online Calorie Counter and Fitness Tracker The first step when designing a weight loss plan is to know how much calories you burn and consume in a day. Losing weight can be an emotional (and sometimes physical) roller coaster for many, and achieving weight loss goals can be difficult, and sometimes, discouraging. How many times have you heard someone (or even yourself) say that they’ve managed to gain back what they lost, and then some? Why do individuals fail at weight loss? There is no simple answer. Going on a diet of sorts, is not the answer to successful long term weight loss. Fundamental changes in lifestyle and behavioral patterns must be followed, taken in small steps, to create an environment that promotes weight loss and weight maintenance once the desired weight is reached. How does one go about making these changes, and achieve weight loss success? Start by being accountable to yourself, to your goals – by tracking and measuring your weight loss goals, progress, and by knowing your daily, and weekly caloric expenditure versus caloric intake. In other words, by tracking whether you have a daily / weekly caloric surplus or deficit. The basis of this concept is simple enough – figure out how many calories you consume daily and weekly, and compare that with how many calories you expend daily and weekly. Sounds simple enough, but without the right tools, doing something like this is downright difficult and frustrating, which is why the fitness and weight loss tracking tools and calorie counter at come in so handy. What’s in Your Diet? Be honest – do you know what’s in your diet? How much calories do you consume on a daily basis? Where are your calories coming from? Are you getting most of your calories from fat, proteins, carbohydrates, or a balanced portion of each? If you don’t have the answer to that question, then the first thing you need to do is figure out how many calories you are consuming, and where your calories are coming from. A good place to start is using the free calorie counter and food journal from Simply search from the database of tens of thousands of food items, and add them to your food journal, the site automatically calculates your total protein intake, carbohydrate intake, fat intake, and provides a breakdown of the percentages of each macronutrient on a daily and weekly basis – providing you with valuable information and feedback on your diet. How Much Calories do you Burn Daily, Weekly? Knowing how much calories you consume daily and weekly is only half of the equation. Equally important, is knowing how much calories you burned on a daily and weekly basis. This is easily tracked and calculated using the “Activities Tracker” from The “Activities Tracker” provided calculates your Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR) and calculates your total daily calories burned based on the additional physical activities you perform and add to the tracker. The activities tracker provides a list of over 220 most common physical activities you can engage in. You will be able to see at a glance how much calories you burn each day, and your total calories burned each week versus calories consumed – it is important to know whether you have a caloric surplus or deficit, and make the necessary changes in your diet and physical activities. – More than Just a Calorie Counter and Food Journal To help make your weight loss and fitness efforts easier, FitNRG provides a complete set of tools and features including exercise tracker, diet tracker, personal blog, recipe book, meal planner, reports generator, and a large community of like-minded individuals who share common goals and interests that will help keep you motivated. For successful long term weight loss, you need to be accountable to yourself – setup a plan for weight loss and carry through with that plan. Sometimes, you will find it helpful and motivating to be accountable to someone else as well – about your diet, physical activities, and weight loss progress. It helps to find someone who shares a common goal, who understands the ups and downs you’re going through, and can help you stay motivated, and on top of things when things get discouraging. has a large community of members who are interested in fitness and weight loss, don’t hesitate to join and take control of your weight loss goals. |
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