Become a Yummy Mummy! Tips for Losing Weight After Pregnancy

By: Howard Guy

While pregnancy can be an amazing experience for women most struggle after they have given birth with the responsibility and financial burdens of their new family member. Typically these mothers should be applauded for doing all this for the benefit of their child but they do so at a cost to themselves by losing control of their weight as their lifestyle changes and sometimes so does their hormones and metabolism. If this sounds like you then here are some tips for losing weight after pregnancy.

No matter what your drive to exercise might be the fact you need to be there with your child limits your options for exercising. However, there are many options you can implement to use your time creatively to get some exercise. A few examples include:

  • Stroller Jogging - Get yourself a new stroller with good wheels for high speeds and jog when taking your child down to the shops or just around the block.

  • Incidental Exercise - Instead of taking the lift take the stairs! Instead of using the remote control get up and change the channel by hand. See everything that must be done as a way you can get some exercise it all adds up.

  • Exercising With Bubs - Ever do sit ups? How about sit ups while holding your child harder but better and you get to spend time with the child! There are many gentle exercises you can do with your child without putting them in any danger and giving you a chance to exercise ... get creative!

Eating is also a real problem when you have a child, the time you took to cook good food has been replaced with caring for a baby and it always seems easier to get take away or something canned, quick and easy from the fridge or pantry. While nothing can give you more time here is a tips for losing weight after pregnancy: use your time more wisely buy making bulk lots of good healthy food when you have a chance and freeze the rest to be eaten later. You can spend an extra half an hour one day to save many hours in other days and you get good (if reheated) food. Also the temptation to snack is very high when running around being a mother and this does not have to stop, just make sure you get rid of the chocolate and instead keep some fruit and muesli bars to replace them!

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