Among the common misconceptions of those who wish to build the upper parts of their body is to think that massive, big and bulging muscles on the upper part of the body can only be done through the use of the bench presses of other machines as well through the use of dumbbells and barbells. This is proved to be wrong for changes and transformations can be effected on these body parts through exercise.
The push up is considered as one of the definitive upper body exercise that will not only build your upper body but will also increase your strength. While the push may seem very standard, you can make variations on this basic exercise to spice up your exercise routine. Here are some of the variations of push up exercises that you can do.
The Inclined Push-up - This push up can be performed by simply placing your feet on a couch or on a block that has to be stable and unmoving in order to prevent any injury. The couch or a block is important for you to have an elevated position. Likewise, the use of the block or the couch adds a degree of difficulty on the exercise.
The Girls Push -up - This kind of push up is intended for the females since one cannot expect females to have the same muscular strength as the males. Hence, the routine is intended to make the routine much easier. This can be performed by using your knees rather than your toes on the ground.
The Upside Down Push-up - This is one of the most difficult variations since it requires a lot of muscular strength of your upper body. What you do here is to position in hand stand and you need to rest your feet on the wall to attain balance. Then you have to push up and down your body in a vertical position.
The Triangle Push-up - This kind of push up is intended to tone your upper arm muscles. In this push up, instead of placing your hands away from each other, you have to place your hands just close to each other with your thumbs and your fingers in triangle position. Then, you need to slowly lower yourself with your nose touching the inner part of the triangle and then go to the start position again and make several repetitions.
The One-Arm Push-up - This kind of push up is considered as the hardest of all the push up routines primarily due to the fact the you are using only one arm to support your body. To perform this exercise routine, you need to place your legs apart until you get the desired balance that you want. Then from two arms, remove the other arm and then start to push your body to the ground and then return again to the start position. After a number of repetitions, use the other arm again and perform the same number of repetitions.