Starting a new exercise program can be very stressful. Millions of Americans start exercise programs only to give up on it within a couple of weeks. I have found that by avoiding a few things, you can increase your chances of sticking with your exercise program and reaching your weight lost and fitness goals.
Avoid getting out of routine
Just like waking up each morning and going to work or attending Church on the weekend, including exercising in your daily routine is essential to you succeeding. The most important factor in establishing a routine is setting a time of day to accomplish a certain task.
The best time of the day to exercise is early morning. After a good night's rest, we are well rested and full of energy. Try to avoid exercising late in the night as this is the time we are likely to complain of tiredness and skip exercising all together. Choose a time of day when you know you can consistently, on a daily basis, devote this time to focusing on getting in shape.
Avoid expecting immediate results
Many of us, after a couple of weeks of exercising, expect to see visible results. Most people with this expectation grow frustrated and soon quit. In most cases, it takes years to become 100 pounds overweight. You should not expect to lose this accumulated weight overnight.
The best way to approach a weight lost target is to set short, reachable goals. For example, you may want to give yourself a goal of 5 pounds for the first month. You must understand that beginners to exercising will not be able to keep a consistent, high calorie burning pace. By month three or four, you will be more advanced and will be able to set higher weight lost targets.
Avoid going in alone
When starting an exercise program be sure to find a partner, preferably one that is highly motivated and more advanced than you are. Having a partner will come in handle on those days when you feel like you can not go a day longer. Your chances of pulling through those tough times are much more likely with someone there helping you along the way.
There are also other benefits, like relationship building, when exercising with someone. This can give husbands and wives, parents and children, even siblings a change to spend quality time and grow closer. At the same time, you will also become healthier.