Adult ear infection can cause complications that if not treated early which can lead to problems in dealing and treating it effectively. Those who suffer from allergies are prone to adult ear infection.
Did You Know? Moisture trapped in the ear is normally the catalyst for ear infection. The ear is connected to the nose by what is know as the Eustachian tube and it's role is to drain fluid. It also acts to maintain pressure inside the ear at the correct equalibrium. When the fluid isn't draining effectively or correct pressure is not maintained then ear infection can be the result. Simply blowing the nose can force mucus into the Eustachian tube resulting in build up which in turn can create an atmosphere for bacterial growth to occur. Symptoms Of Adult Ear Infection Obviously pain and discomfort are the obvious symptoms. Other symptoms to be aware of include hearing loss,blockage, fluid in the ear, dizziness and fever. Hearing loss can occur because of the build up in the ear as well as the swelling of the adenoids. Adenoids are the glands or lymphoid tissue situated in the throat below the nose. Treating Adult Ear Infection Depending on whether the infection is bacterial or viral, treatment is usually effective. However, viral infections are much more difficult to treat and in some instances could require minor surgery. Pressure build up is simply relieved by the placement of a tube in the ear drum with the good news being it is not a permanent insertion. Bacterial infection is much easier to treat. Your doctor will usually prescribe a course of antibiotics which could last up to 10 days. It's interesting to note that in Europe, anti biotics are prescribed a little more conservatively because of the increase in anti biotic resistance worldwide. If you are concerned about this then discuss it with your doctor. Preventing Adult Ear Infection Preventative methods typically range from flushing the ear to chewing gum. Yes, chewing gum is recommended as it is known to help relieve pressure in the ear as well as creating good saliva flow. Chewing gum usually works a treat during plane flights when ears are affected during the landing procedure in particular. Nasal spray can flush out any pollutants; triggers for bacterial infection and build up. Talk to your doctor about the best treatment as you should consider a spray which also has the qualities of preventing or repelling bacteria in the first place. One thing you should be careful of doing is using cotton buds in your ears on a daily basis. This is a practice usually frowned upon and again, if you are concerned with ear cleanliness, your doctor will be able to advise the best course of action to take. In most cases, a simple flush will usually suffice. |
Ear Nose and Throat | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||