9 Reasons Why Your Weight-Loss Efforts Fail!

By: gooddoctor
You have been struggling for some time now trying to lose weight. Each day you start fresh only to have your "dedicated eating" to fall short of your best intentions.

Weight loss has not only become a daily struggle that has left you disappointed, but you also feel no matter what you do you'll never lose weight.

Does any of this sound familiar? You are not alone. Millions of people have the same daily struggles.

If you want to take control and finally lose that weight, you have to identify the reasons your weight-loss efforts fail. Check this list and see if you can find your own weight-loss pitfalls. Identifying them can be your first step to breaking them.

Not putting YOUR needs first
If you want to lose weight you have to make it a priority, and this means you have to put your needs first. If this means taking your food along on a trip or watching what you eat at a dinner party, do it.

Failure to get realistic goals
Many people set weight-loss goals, but far too often people set unrealistic weight-loss goals. If your goal is too far out of reach, you can't achieve it. Write down a goal that your mind first believes, because what your mind believes, your body achieves.

Having a do-or-die attitude
Jumping into a weight-loss program with a do-or-die attitude is almost always a set-up for failure. Easing into a weight-loss program allows you room for adjustments and doesn't leave you feeling restricted. Make small weekly changes so you are not overwhelmed.

Expecting immediate results
Expecting immediate weight-loss results will destroy a positive attitude every time. You must realize that you didn't gain fat weight overnight and you aren't going to lose fat weight overnight either. Give your weight-loss program time.

Eating haphazardly
Eating haphazardly can ruin your best weight-loss intentions. Your body responds best to a scheduled eating program. Eating a small balanced meal every three hours works best for keeping the metabolism up and warding off sugar and carb cravings.

Justifying nibbling
If you want to lose weight once and for all, you have to cut out the nibbling between meals. If you are nibbling between meals due to true hunger, you need to be sure you are eating every three hours and are eating enough calories.

Giving in to temptation
Giving in to temptation will leave you feeling hopeless. Think about why you want the temptation and decide if it's really worth giving in to for the sake of simply having it. More often than not, if you step back and think about it, you can walk the other way and not give in.

Lying to yourself
Lying to yourself about weight loss will cause failure. If you want to lose the weight, you have to be true to yourself. If you cheated, hold yourself accountable for it and realize you may not have a good outcome at the end of the week when you do your weight and stat check.

Making excuses upon excuses
Making excuses leads to failure, no matter what you're trying to accomplish. What's worse is that many people try to rationalize their excuses. An excuse is an apology, rationalization is justification. Many people combine the two to simply get out of personal responsibility. Stop making excuses and find a way to be successful.

If you have identified yourself in one or more of the scenarios listed above, now is the time to do something about it. Banish the excuses, take action, and reap the rewards of a leaner and healthier lifestyle.
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