North America has an ongoing battle with obesity. Adults and children suffer from complications related to obesity such as diabetes, high blood pressure, aches, and pains. Billion dollar company's continue to make billions by making diet pills, books, plans, drinks and people who suffer from obesity are willing to try just about anything for the sake of beauty and health. The gastric bypass procedure can be very expensive; it can also have many complications. But the big question for so many is, "Will my insurance cover a Gastric Bypass operation?"
Gastric Bypass is a great procedure where the stomach is reduced to a small pouch. Many patients are only able to eat a few tablespoons of food per meal. This procedure is proven to be effective for obese patients. However this procedure would not be effective for a normal weighted person. To qualify for this procedure weather your insurance covers it or not you must have a body mass index (BMI) of over 40, which is 100 pounds over weight for a man and 80 for a woman. Serious health conditions caused by obesity can also qualify you for this procedure. If gastric bypass is deemed necessary then in most cases an insurance company will allow the procedure. If you have attempted weight loss by other means and you can obtain some sort of written record of your attempt from your doctor then your insurance company may allow this procedure to happen. Although Gastric Bypass is a great weight loss possibility it is also a very serious operation and with any operation comes risks such as postoperative complications like gastric disorders and discomforts. You need to know how your insurance company will handle your postoperative complications and expenses. Gastric Bypass comes with risks and you should be aware of these risks before any procedure but do not let the risks stop you from considering the operation. As always discuss all health problems with your doctor before any procedure so your doctor can tell you if the procedure is right for you. You should always be aware of the costs and insurance technicalities of any procedure; it may take time for a response from your insurance company. Gastric bypass is only intended for those with serious health risks or those who are extremely over weight. So please remember to talk to your doctor before considering any procedure. Make sure to ask your doctor about the side effects and postoperative effects for a gastric bypass. It is very important to speak with your doctor about the innovative gastric bypass procedure. |
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