Get Rid of Stomach Fat - Anaerobic Exercise

Let's get something out of the way right now. Exercising a specific part of your body WILL NOT help you get rid of fat in that one area. For example, doing sit-ups will not make you get rid of stomach fat. It will make your stomach stronger and it might have you hiding a six-pack under that stomach fat, but what good is that?

So, doing 1000 sit-ups a day isn't a sure fire way to get rid of stomach fat. It may help you lose fat, but it will be from all parts of your body and only because 1000 sit-ups requires quite a bit of exertion.

So what kind of anaerobic exercise should you do?

Well, how's this for answer: any kind. That's right, anything that is high intensity over a short period of time will do. You could do some weight training or maybe sprinting while you take your daily jog or swim laps. Don't let the idea of weight training scare you. You don't need to go to the gym or buy expensive equipment if you want to try weight training. You can do a complete weight training circuit with only a couple of dumbbells right in your own home.

Circuits are especially effective to burning fat because they combine aspects of both strength and endurance training into one, highly targeted, set of exercises. This type of training is highly effective in making your muscles stronger and more fit, meaning you'll be less susceptible to injury over the long run. Circuit training is generally not used when trying to build muscle mass, but remember you're not necessarily trying to build a ton of muscle, just get rid of stomach fat.

Always remember to give yourself a day of rest in between whatever anaerobic exercises you decide to do. It's very important that you give your muscles time to rest, not doing so can result in injury. Also be sure that you sufficiently stretch before any kind of exercise. For some reason this is something that many people neglect, even though anyone who's ever been in a PE class knows how important this is for avoiding injuries.

By incorporating anaerobic exercise into your routine you'll turn your body into a fat burning machine. This kind of exercise is absolutely key if you want to get rid of stomach fat naturally.
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