Odessa Resort Karolino-Bugaz (Zatoka) is the largest Black Sea and the most popular resort in Odessa region, intensively developing tourist and improving center of Ukraine, is located in 60 kilometers south-west of Odessa on picturesque sandy beach, taking place between Black sea, estuary Dniester and salty lakes (18km from Belgorod-Dnestrovskiy (Akkerman, Tyras)).
This sandy strip stretched on two ten of kilometers, always was considered as an elite place of rest: open space, the warm sea, bright the sun, microclimate of the estuary absorbing, apparently, all smells of southern steppe.
During all beach - wonderful beaches in width more than 100 meters with clean fine sand.
Favorable geographical position, remoteness from the industrial centers and full absence of the industrial enterprises have allowed this area to become one from the most non-polluting places at the Black Sea coast. The resort is so popular that tourists book hotels in winter to visit it in summer. There is no any chance to book Karolino-Bugaz or Zatoka hotels in summer.
All boarding houses and bases of rest are on seacoast. Set of cozy bars, discos, hire of catamarans, water scooters. The most famous, the largest, the most developed Odessa Arcadia (Arkadia) beach is nothing in comparison with Karolino-Bugaz or Zatoka resort.
The markets will amaze you with abundance of fruit and vegetables. The resort has convenient transport connections with Odessa city: electric trains, buses, minibuses
, taxi. The cheapest and the fastest way to get Karolino-Bugaz (Zatoka) resort is to take a bus Odessa – Belgorod-Dnestrovskiy which runs every hour from Odessa Privoz market bus station.