To enter the ticket lottery for the 2005-2006 season, send one email with all contact information to in the month of August only. After August '05, ticket requests will no longer be accepted. The lottery will only accept one entry per email request; duplicate entries will be deleted. Winners will receive two tickets to a pre-assigned show date and performance (dress rehearsal or live show). You will be notified only in the event that you are selected. All audience members must be at least 16 years of age.
Please note that is a computer-generated service and should not be used for questions or concerns. Please address all issues by calling NBC Guest Relations at 212.664.3056.
If you missed the August deadline last year, or don't want to wait until next August to order tickets, you have a "stand-by" option. For stand-by tickets, arrive no later than 7:00am on the morning of the taping under the "NBC Studios" marquee on the 50th Street side of 30 Rockefeller Plaza. You may choose a stand-by ticket for either the 8:00pm dress rehearsal or the 11:30pm live show. Only one ticket will be issued per person. Please note that a stand-by ticket does not guarantee admission.
If you are a fan of the show
, it's well worth it to see it live while you are in New York City. It's sure to be one of the highlights of your trip