Burnaby: The Glory of Canada

By: Vivek Kuriyal

It is not wrong to call Burnaby the “Glory of Canada." Incorporated in 1882 and recognized as a city in 1992, this place serves as a vital gateway of transportation between Vancouver and the Fraser valley. Its ideal location shares most of the credit for its growth. It lies between urban centers of Vancouver and New Westminster. Interior of the province is also accessible through this transportation corridor.

Occupying 98.60 square kilometer of land, Burnaby is situated in the center of Greater Vancouver Regional District.

City of Vancouver and New Westminster flank Burnaby on the west and east respectively. Burrard Inlet and Fraser River side the city on north and south respectively. Hills, ridges, valleys and alluvial plain pervade the entire landscape of Burnaby. Development of the city is attributed to these features of Burnaby land.

Despite occupying a low percentage (4%) of area of greater Vancouver regional district, it adds considerable figure to the total population of the region. With an estimated population of 197,292, it is the third biggest urban center in British Columbia. City of Burnaby hosts a range of entertainment facilities. Burnaby Village Museum and Carousel treasures the old heritage of the city. The town center holds abundance of shopping, accommodation and recreation facilities. Central parkArticle Submission, Swangard Stadium and Bonsor recreation complex have everything to entertain you to the max.


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