America on the Move

By: C. Rita

Bet You Didn't Know This!
In America, the event of 'Moving' can't be disposed of as another card in the deck. In fact it is almost a phenomenon in this revolutionary world. South Florida Van Lines understands that moving may be extremely stressful. In fact, do you know that moving is the third most stressful event in one's life following death and divorce? Employee Relocation council states this fact.

The above fact is just the tip of the iceberg. Different statistical studies by various organizations reveal several interesting facts about the task of 'Moving'. Here is a list of those telling truths about 'Moving', for you.

&bullU.S. Census Bureau states that the average American moves almost 12 times in his or her lifetime.

&bullAbout 16 percent of the total population relocates annually. This estimates to around 47 million Americans. This moving rate in United States of America has not changed much over the past several years. But since 1998, people are moving much longer distances, U.S. census Bureau Says.

&bullAnother study points out that over 15% of the people move out-of-state.

&bullMajority of the movers are married couple between the ages 25 and 44 with 1 or 2 children between the ages of 2 and 11.

&bullAlmost 40% of the relocating families comprises of two career couples.

&bullMost moves occur between the beginning of May and Labor Day. This statement comes from American Moving and Storage Association.

&bullAmerican Moving and Storage Association also states that about 40% of the total moves are career related. 42% Moves are due to Personal reasons. The balance 18% is either military or government relocations.

&bullPeople spend more money around the moving event. This is almost five times the amount spent by non-movers in a year.

&bullIf the mover is a home-owner he spends about $10,000 after the move. And apartment dwellers spend around $4000.

&bullThe average home-owner sells his home every fifth or seventh year.

&bullIt is estimated that about 13 million children of age up to 19 move every year. The number of students enrolled in elementary and high school matches the record set in 1979. That was the time when "baby boom" children were attending the school (U.S. Census Bureau).

&bullAnother understandable fact about moving is that it declines with age. U.S. Census Bureau has found that, for every year 35% of people in their 20's move. But only 5% of those 65 and older do so.
These thought provoking facts about moving emphasize the significance of Relocating or Moving. Online help is available these days to help the moving people. Visit South Florida Van Lines for more moving tips, and online estimate and for all your moving and storage needs.

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