Who is looking for one great income by the internet marketing must to learn a lot of things? The newbie efficiency is based on his capable of far more complex functions. And the capacity of learning is on the way. But it does not come overnight.
First of all, internet marketing is not classroom learning. At a conventional learning, to go to the school and to dedicate it a period of time in structuralized place, following social cultural and educational rules, is part of the life of everybody that have the chance to frequent a scholar institution. This reality, however, comes moving. The school, the house of the pupil and the world are going to constitute the places of the education. The technological advance and the new medias, are changing the pertaining to school reality, pressuring the system in the direction of the construction of a society of the information, that facilitates the access to the knowledge. In this direction, the education in the distance comes as reply to this social necessity. As in the education in the distance, the concern at Internet marketing is with the quality of education, with the commitment of who is teaching and of who is learning and with the necessity to assume the technological tools. In special way, the concern with the pupil, that we can say newbie here, is with the form as he or she goes to place in the process of self instruction , being organized its time and space of studies. In other words, a newbie at internet marketing will have to dedicate some time to learn about online network business and this learning is not a conventional one. It is bidirectional intercommunication without the physical presence of who is teaching, where the newbie will go to be part of a pedagogical process of high technology, in an educative process. It is necessary to clarify what it is understood for educative process: to educate is not simply to make with that the pupil memorizes a sequence of information; it is treated to make with that the pupil is capable to understand concepts from the entailing concepts with its next reality and to reinterpret them. At this way to choose a good affiliate program, setup a website, participate on forum, to publish articles at articles directories and get to search engine optimization. All of these things are new concept to be interpreted, reinterpret and understood. But, I think the mainly thing is to go straight ahead, with focused attention and energy. I use to say action with meanings. Not just action, action, action. But to produce meant with action. Make a business pedagogical plan and run to get your dreams. |
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