Using Your Passion To Fuel Your Success

By: sadat1
What is it that keeps you going even when the day is
dragging and you are worn out?

What is the one thing that no matter how much you try to suppress it, it is always fighting to get out?


Your passion for success.

We all have it. We are born with it. A desire so strong to succeed, in what we are good at, that it can overpower seemingly impossible obstacles when it looks like there is no way out.

Passion is one of the most powerfully creative or
destructive forces known to man. Your passion is what
drives you to the highest level of accomplishments.

Passion is powerful, but it can also be ugly. It all
depends on what we do with it.

Changing Your Thinking

We must start to think in terms of passion. This is where you potential is unlocked. By tapping into your natural curiosity you can effectively seek out your true passion, your true desires.

Spend some time with a child. You will see that they are instinctively seeking out answers. Their desire is to learn. They want to know everything. What is your

Passion Is Very Creative

Why do we always suppress the curiosity and creativity in children? Do not do that. Stop it. Do not do that or you will get hurt. Those are just examples of things we say to actually stifle the desires, growth, and creative process of our children.

Unfortunately, that stays with us as we get older. We are reluctant to take chances and risks. We have a focus on failure rather than on success and creating our own opportunities.

Trying to avoid making mistakes moves our focus from
accomplish our task to that of failure. That is the nature of focus. Passion demands intense focus. Your success demands your passion.

Where and how we decide to focus our passion, on a personal level, will determine our success or our failure.

Passion For Fuel

There is an intriguing aspect of passion. Just as we would not set out on a mission without the innate ability to do so, we should not be expected to accomplish our goals without the ability to enjoy the process.

Passion is what provides us with that ability.

Looking at this in a personal, or business concept, passion is the fuel to seek out new opportunities and then to enjoy the process of achieving them. Your curiosity and interest in succeeding with the creation of a positive and meaningful reality for yourself is not something that can be taken lightly, but that is no reason to ignore what you do achieve, everyday, in everything you do.

Use your passion to drive you forward and take away from the experience whatever you can in order that you can apply it elsewhere.
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