While it's okay to feel giddy, anxious or excited about the opening day of your garage sale, you must still make an effort to remain calm and focused at all times. Many things can go wrong on the first day of the sale. The few hours before the opening time of your sale can be used wisely by taking note of the following tips:
Check the Checklist If you have a checklist already prepared, it's no waste of time to use it once more and double and triple check if everything is in order. Review your checklist and see if you missed anything. Spend a few minutes thinking of other things you can possibly add to your checklist. Count the Money Your cash registry must have available change ready. Take note of the amount of money to make tallying of purchases easier later on. Display Your License to Sell Garage sales are required to obtain permits before they can operate. Make sure that you have your permit tacked in a highly visible area so that people will know your garage sale is an entirely legitimate enterprise. Go Around the Store Walk back and forth and around your store and try to visualize the direction of your buyers. If you imagine there's one particular area that could be too crowded later on, make the proper adjustments to ensure that buyers will be able to shop in comfort. Arrange the Products Product arrangement is very critical to the success of your garage sale. Label items properly and hang signs on top of each area to indicate the product category. Make sure that there are physical borders to separate products of different categories. Create and Post Reminders Post important reminders around the store to minimize buyer hassles. There must be a poster containing price listings on each wall. Post another notice that will remind buyers to return products to their original place. Prepare Refreshments If you're planning to serve or sell refreshments during operating hours, these are best prepared right before the garage sale's opening hours to ensure its freshness. Make sure that you have cleaning tools nearby because refreshment stalls must be kept clean always. Don't Open in Advance If you advertised that you'd open at nine in the morning, don't open one minute in advance because that will be quite unfair to your other customers. And last but not the least, check your checklist again. You can never be too thin, too rich or too sure!
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