Earn Money by Blogging

By: pcmm
Would you like to make money blogging? There are a lot of people earning extra cash and even making a living blogging, and you can too. First, you need to come up with a topic people are interested it. The topic has to be one you know a lot about or enjoy. To become a successful blogger, you must provide useful content and update the blog regularly. You can either start your own blog, join a blog community or join a blog network.

Your Own Blog
If you want to start your own blog, there are many places to host your blog for free such as blogger.com. You can also buy your own domain from sites like godaddy.com and pay for hosting. I use hostgator.com and can highly recommend them. After setting up your blog, you can monetize traffic through Adsense, an advertising program by Google or other affiliate programs such as maxbounty or primaryads. You can also earn money by discussing advertiser products and services within blog posts through sites like payperpost.com, bloggingads.com and blogitive.com. To send traffic to your blog, you should submit it to directories, post on other people’s blogs, post on forums with your blog address in the signature, and exchange links with similar sites.

Blog Communities
The advantage of joining blog communities is that you can start getting traffic right away. Members of the blog communities will visit your blog if it appeals to them. You will be able to make money through Adsense. Your ads will be rotated 50% or more of the time while the owner’s Adsense ads rotate the other half or less. Some blog communities include blogfeast.com, bloggerparty.com, and blogcharm.com

Blog Networks
There are many advantages of joining a blog network. The blog network pays for your domain name and hosting. They setup/design the blog for you. You don’t have to work for traffic and are usually paid a specific amount each month. You can also earn a percentage of advertising revenue each month. You mainly have to focus on posting great content.

Blog Networks Currently Hiring
If you join a blog network, you’ll be able to earn a specific amount each month or a percentage of revenue generated from the blog. The following are blog networks currently hiring:
-Weblogs, Inc. is a large network with about 90 blogs. You may apply to blog on a pre-existing blog or suggest a topic for a new blog. There current blog categories include consumer, technology, travel, wireless, video games, media & entertainment, finance, and life sciences.
-Creative Weblogging is also a large network with over 90 blogs. Their current blog categories include business, economy & finance, digital media, ecommerce & internet, dreams & celebrities, technology, family & home, recreation & sports, wireless, education, life sciences, and gaming.
-b5media is a network to over 170 blogs. Their current blog categories include arts & crafts, beauty & style, business, celebrities, entertainment, family & relationships, home & dining, science & health, sports, team blogs, technology, travel & culture, video games, and writing & literature.
You can also check out 451press.com, knowmoremedia.com and blog-republic.com.
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