One of the most powerful way to generate tons of leads for your business is by web or audio conference calls. Most savvy marketers are using this method of lead generation to bring in tons of attention to their product or services. To get the maximum out of your listeners, there are some etiquette you must adhere to. 1. Moderators should be on time. A moderator should arrive a few minutes early to greet each of the participants, and let them know when everyone is present and ready to start the call. 2. Always introduce yourself when speaking for the first time. It is important to introduce yourself when first speaking as other participants may not recognize your voice. 3. Avoid putting your phone on HOLD. Putting your local phone on hold could introduce music into the conference, so when considering the hold function please use #6 instead. Otherwise your hold music will play into the conference call, and make it impossible for the other participants to continue the meeting in your absence! (Remember to un-mute yourself when you come back.) 4. Create an agenda and keep to your schedule. Remain consistent with the time line and agenda as prescribed in order to respect the time of the other participants. 5. Clearly state when calls end. If participants linger after you have hung up on the call you will get billed! Ensuring that all participants understand when a call has ended will avoid any possible confusion so stay on the line and make sure everyone has left the call.
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