Bad credit loans are for those people, who do not find new loans from elsewhere because of late payments, defaults, arrears, CCJs etc, faults mentioned against their names. While these are especial loans for them, the loan approval depends on the borrower meeting certain conditions. Moreover, you should take extra caution in taking out these loans, which may become source of another burden.
You are free to use these loans for any purpose; common amongst them are home improvements, holiday tour, wedding, debt consolidation, and car buying.
Before applying for these loans, it is advisable that you make some improvements in your FICO rating. You can achieve the improvements on paying off some debts. Then, apply for the loans after few months. This way, the lenders feel that you are serious towards repayment of the new loan.
require you to pledge any of your property like home or a vehicle, as collateral. This is because the lenders want to cut the risks in the loan deal. Such a secured loans is, therefore, easier to avail. What is more, the interest rate could be on lower side on greater borrowed amounts. The loan repayment ranges from five to 25 years. Do no carry the loan for many years, as you may end- up paying high interest payments.
Tenants can borrow smaller amount of up to ?25000, under unsecured loans, without providing for collateral. However, because of the blemished history, they will get the loan at high rate of interest. The repayment duration ranges up to 15 years.
Do not rush to the first lender you find. Instead, apply for the rate quotes of the lenders, who are offering bad credit loans. Some of these loans may come at comparatively lower rate and at fewer additional charges. Make sure that you repay the loan installments without any delay.